The Secret to Instinctive Archery

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A video of what I learned is the "Secret" to Instinctive Archery
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in just the first 30 seconds of this video Greg has absolutely nailed it. As an instinctive shooter I have really struggled the past 2 years with getting consistent shots on 3D bid Big Game targets . Greg has not only voiced the experience and frustration of most instinctive Archers but confirmed the solution that we have all probably already suspected for some time.
Thank you Greg for your tremendous help and advice and your your friendly positive videos that are a real pleasure to watch.


Excellent! I began archery 9 months ago shooting a bare bow olympic style recurve. After making progress I began to get erratic. I started off instinctive then attempted to switch to aiming. Again, success was variable. This led to frustration.

Instinctive just felt better. Your methodical points on what matters most, like putting in golf, I think are spot on. I am making my first visit to the range tomorrow after so many months taking time off. I intend to watch your video again right before heading to the range. Thanks for making such an informative video.


This is one of the best video's I've watched on the subject. As an army marksman, and marksmanship instructor its really quite interesting how much of this is similar to rifle shooting. Thanks once again.


There are a lot of great archery videos out there, but you have some of the best! God bless you and your family Greg, I hope you had an awesome Resurrection / Easter Day! Thank you for these instructional videos!


Thanks, Very This video has "gotten through my thick skull" better than any I have watched. While my shot cycle still isn't as consistent as I like, this video has helped me a lot.


Great video! I did target archery for 3 years and I am doing kyudo (Japanese traditional archery) for almost a year now and I can't help but agree with you on that repeatable and consistent shooting cycle.
In kyudo arrow is drawn past the ear and it presses on the cheek at full draw. With regular practice one can figure out which part of the cheek should be in contact with the arrow and expect to hit pretty much wherever one's gaze is at. That's how the bearing can be adjusted. The elevation needs a little practice to figure out though.




I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to make this instructive video. I just ordered my first recurve and I'm excited to put some of your instructions into practice


I can't say how much your videos have helped me progress as an archer in the short space of time I have been shooting. Thank you for taking the time to investigate and learn all this stuff, and thank you again for taking the time to share your knowledge in such well thought out and structured videos. I may still be a lousy shot (I am considering buying a Stormtrooper outfit for club shooting, it would explain the accuracy issues) but at least I understand the reasons why, and I have a clear idea of the areas I need to work on to improve. Keep it up! :)


Nice instructional. Makes perfect sense and just what I was looking for.


Best video I have seen, you just explain all my questions, very explanatory, THANKS A LOT!


shooting instinctive requires shooting thousands of arrows. Simply focusing on a point doesn't mean your will hit it.. Shooting thousands of arrows develops a combination of "muscle memory" and sight picture memory. When you shoot enough arrows that your muscle memory and sight picture memory merge, you will hit what you are concentrating on. Pitchers require thousands of pitches before they start consistently putting the ball in the mitt. Competitive pistol shooters require many thousand rounds before building their muscle memory. You can't expect to simply concentrate harder and will the arrow where you want it to go. You have to shoot many arrows and you have to shoot often. There is no short cuts to becoming an instinctive shooter. When I was shooting instinctively, I never even thought about my stance. I could shoot while walking, just as a quarterback can run and throw. He doesn't have to stop and get his feet just right before he throws the ball. If you truly are shooting instinctively, it is the number of arrows you are sending down range that is improving your accuracy, not your stance.You are improving your muscle memory as you practice. Muscle memory and consistency go hand in hand. Those who truly shoot instinctively have learned to do so by paying their dues with sore fingers, not by learning to concentrate harder or plant their feet in the same stance every time. In my opinion based on my own experience. The only way I know to learn to shoot instinctively is to shoot a lot of arrows and shoot often. Buying expensive equipment and standing like a statue won't get you there any faster. If you think there is a magic short-cut, you are fooling yourself. That's my 2 cents on "instinctive" for what it's worth.


Great video for anyone new to the Art of Archery. This is going to remain my go to video to refresh my steps to the shot. More like this please.


Nice video. I have heard a lot about instinctive archery and your methodology of breaking the shot cycle into steps and repeating and micro-managing them until a ‘muscle memory’ is developed, is probably one of the best working definitions of the term.
Being a medical student myself, I can tell you that an instinct is something that means an innate and almost automatic PROCESS of reaction to a certain and similar stimulation, with the process being almost perfectly a replica each time it is performed.
Your methods make much more sense in that perspective.


This video has encouraged me to slow down, cncentrate on each step. Thanks for the nice presentation!


I really enjoyed this video and the bottom line is as you say, practice consistency, practice and more practice until it is automatic and then it is focus, total and utter focus, as if your life depended on hitting it, because in relatively recent history it did !!! and your mind and body can still do it... draw on the hundreds and thousands of years of evolving to be the premier hunter on this planet :)


great use of a laser pointer to show you how complicated it gets when the tiniest movement of your fingers, wrist, ... affects your aim.


Great video. Teaching my daughter to shoot. I will watch this video often. Thank you for not being wordy and boring.


I really like your videos. I am trying to learn this stuff, and like you, I have been driven crazy over it. the part about "keeping my mind empty" is easy for me now (my wife agrees).


Thank You for your service. It looks to me like with the low anchor that you are aiming some way. I wouldn't bet my Howard Hill Tembo on it but it appears that some how you are lining up something. It doesn't matter how you are doing it as long as you are hitting the intended target. God Bless and keep helping people .
