ProductTank Auckland - Discovery – the secret sauce of great agile

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Truly high-performing agile teams have singular focus on the outcome that they are trying to create for their customers and are empowered to find the best way to make the outcome real. But where did that outcome and focus come from and how did the team learn about and buy into it? In this talk, Anthony will discuss why Product Discovery is the secret to bridging this gap and provide practical tips on getting Discovery going in organisations that might be resistant to the concept.

Big thanks to Xero for hosting this event and to the Agile Auckland meetup group for the collaboration!

Note that unfortunately this recording is missing the first 5 minutes of the event - our apologies for this!

Anthony Marter is a product and delivery coach and is currently coaching Harmoney, Foodstuffs North Island and other organisations to become sustainably product-led while growing happy empowered teams. He also specialises in creating sustainable scaleups, helping organisations to understand the structures needed to navigate the transition from startup to scale. Anthony has been involved in the product community for over 7 years, firstly as an organiser for the Product Management/ProductTank Auckland meetup group and 2 years ago founded Product Aotearoa to connect the broader NZ community together. He is on a mission to help New Zealand product people find their tribe and grow their skills, and by doing this help the New Zealand tech sector grow and thrive. Outside of the office, Anthony is a serial volunteer for sports and cultural organisations, helping to make NZ a better place for our diverse communities.
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