Why super empaths 'avenge 7 folds' strategy become the narcissist's worst nightmare | NPD | Healing

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Why super empaths 'avenge 7 folds' strategy become the narcissist's worst nightmare | NPD | Healing | Empaths Refuge

If you're attracted to this video, chances are, you might be going through a tough time with someone who is controlling and manipulative. You might feel lost and confused, unable to trust your own thoughts and feelings. We are here to support you.


I understand how painful it can be, which is why I want to offer you a free course called "From Chaos to Calm," to help you cope with these difficult situations. This book is designed to provide you with the basic shielding technique that will help you avoid falling into the trap of negative people such as narcissists and emotional vampires. If you're in need of this course, don't hesitate to download them.

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Have you ever been in a situation where you just didn't understand where someone was coming from? Maybe you couldn't relate to their emotions or perspective, and as a result, you struggled to connect with them. It can be tough to navigate complex social situations, but that's where empathy comes in.

Empathy is a crucial component of emotional intelligence - it's the ability to not only feel what others feel, but also to truly understand their point of view. When we practice empathy, we can soothe a friend who's going through a tough time, or resolve conflicts with coworkers by truly listening and understanding their needs.


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Narcs will do nasty things to people then blame those same people for the response.


I really liked this video. I really think I'm a super empath. I think it is a great gift.


Absolutely kills me knowing the person i first met is not the same


Interesting and encouraging. Thank you.


Rom 12:18-19
As far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
Never avenge yourself or take revenge but leave room for God's wrath.
For it is written, vengeance is Mine, says The Lord. I will repay (the narc for their wickedness and evil)

The title of this video suggests defying God's Word.

1;Peter 3:11
Turn away from (narc's) conflicts. Pursue peace, harmony, and undesturbedness (not revenge)

Just leave the narc, and don't be like Lot's wife (don't look back)

God will repay the narc for their wickedness. He will avenge you.

If you seek and obey


Narcissists are like those videos of those crazy confused spit fire cats seeing their selves in a mirror or reflective material & unable to determine it’s their own angry crazed confused paranoid reflection shining & echoing & reverberating before them not another identical strange cat in their sight before them or telling the like the Lion in Wizard of Oz “Put ‘em up, put ‘em up…”. Then suddenly at first contact in their swinging to swipe their own reflection they completely spazz out in a instant frizz balled poof & zoom their outta there & peaking out from some around the corner like they cant help themselves but to accepting some un proclaimed silent challenge or quest to get over on that look a like cat they know they just encountered. They just can’t handle it when you know their every single move say nothing at all to them just let them make complete ass hats of themselves don’t have to lift a single finger & that moment when they finally catch on to the fact that you knew the whole time & just let them prove to be exactly what they are projecting on their own only to have it all blow up right in their own face like the whole “stop hitting yourself” sibling rivalry thing ya know where the older sibling will put their hand on the much younger siblings forehead who is far to young & small to actually have a chance at tackling their older sibling who then will pin them down & jokingly proceed to take one of their hands & arms & use it to smack their own self & say why are you hitting yourself stop hitting yourself several times until the younger kid finally just gives up or fake out cries to weasel their way out cause they just can’t get over on the much older sibling. Narcissists are like that & they just can’t seem to help themselves they can’t seem to realize that no one is challenging them to any such nonsense of out doing or whatever & well their only doing it all to their own darn self really. It’s just such an annoyance though cause their like mosquitoes or some pest or their the inspiration for Stephen Kings They Always Come Back, cause they really do they just can’t handle it & can’t stand it when they can’t win their perceived challenge to get over on you & you constantly somehow just always chew gum kick ass & can do so cool as a cucumber without batting an eye. I always tell them look the bs you do that you think you’re so crafty clever sneaky all getting away with that you think I don’t know about I most certain, y do actually know about I just don’t bother with wasting my time holding hands or calling them out cause I got better things to do with my time & energy & Im not trying to play keeper & when it comes out finally & I just am not phased at all don’t be surprised feel the sting & burn of realization of just how cringe awkward embarrassing you just made your self look undeniable & got nothing from me you were trying to get out of your nonsense. It’s not a challenge except themselves against themselves foolishness stuck on stoopid like little weasels running around in circles on their exercise wheel literally nowhere. Yeah they really really despise & hate that big time. Let them know they aren’t worth the efforts of even picking to battle with on any account ever they eventually ware themselves down & out ironically every single time too. Just be sure to be smart enough to protect & insulate yourself from the more volatile physically aggressive mentally disturbed ones who can be rather venomously deadly in their attacks if they end up targeting you. Those are the ones you must actively do something to address & confront & do something sooner the better to be sure to cut off completely in every manner possible their not the more passive aggressive types necessarily their the very impulsive & very direct aggressive intimidating types who are not concerned in the least ultimately with the consequences of being caught or anything that it may cause them to necessarily. Empaths tend to be like the flame & the narcissist those moths & mosquitoes & other insects attracted to the light of the flames burning some will avoid being singed to death staying safe distance other dive bomb right straight into the fire like suicide bombers.


Im uneasy with these videos that self analyze they are super empaths they could be just another narcissist. 😊
