Advice on Being a Muslim Wife - is this insulting?

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Are we ready to hear advice on being a Muslim wife?
The Secrets of Successful Wives conference takes place from the 31st of December to the 2nd of January 2022. Over 4,000 free tickets claimed!

Na’ima B. Robert hosts a conference packed with advice for Muslim women to become a successful wife - before, during and even after. A range of speakers, scholars, experts and experienced wives will share their wisdom and experience with over 10,000 attendees ONLINE. From the secret to a successful marriage, to how a Muslim wife can charm her husband, from how to heal a damaged relationship to navigating marriage and parenting after divorce - this 3-day conference is going to be a gamechanger, insha Allah!

Follow Na’ima B. Robert on socials:

#naimabrobert #successfulwives
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Asalaamu alaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatu, JazakALLAHu khairan sister. No this is not insulting…. It’s beneficial advice and we need to take more traditional values and understanding our roles as wives is most important in order to have a functional family. I have booked my place in the conference and cant wait inshaALLAH. 💖


I am 13 and learning to become a righteous woman in the future inshallah, your videos really help me. May Allah bless you for your hard work 💕


MashaAllah this sounds wonderful sis! An important topic covered and advised by knowledgeable women. At at a time when even the term 'wife' is widely distrusted it is vital to understand this role and how we enact it to please Allah ta'ala. Thanks all involved.


I’m sorry but I love this and that’s why I paid for the VIP ticket and can’t wait. I’m so serious about getting married and need all the beneficial knowledge I can get❤️💋


I'm Jordaniad engaged to brit Muslim I'm scared I won't be a good wife and it's eating me cuz I didn't succeed at work nor at studying! I have high hopes to be a great wife Allah created me to be. When I saw your video I was very happy and I subscribed to your channel I can't wait for the course to start it's amazing how Allah inspired you to speak about this topic . I LoveU so much for the sake of Allah, May Allah grant you success ameen.


Personally I'm buzzing! I feel like it's exactly what I need. I feel like especially in the west we're not raised to be wives, we're pushed to be strong, independent career women so when we become wives we're a bit lost, compared to maybe other countries that encourage their women to get married and the girls know and understand the role from a young age. As a 23 year old, 2nd gen revert, mixed race, interracially married new mama, I can't wait! 😊 I've spent the best part of my marriage feeling like a fish out of water..


Keep up the great work sister. I only wish we had one of you in every household pr at least every community so that the sisters especially the younger of them had someone noble as yourself to take the great advice and wisdom which you have to offer. May Allah protect and preserve you, Aameen!!


As-salamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, this conference should come eight years ago when i married my husband and struggeling with everything around (because i did never learn how to be a good muslim wife). Alhamdulillah I figured it out by myself. However im realy looking forward to this conference. jazakAllahu kheir for it 🌹


I think one of the reasons why it's so triggering is that there isn't enough conversation abour how to be. A husband nor how to be a Muslim father how to be a leader, so much on the woman, especially if you're being a good wife to a wasteman you become resentful and you see it as a prison. So i do understand why its so triggering.


As-Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakhatu, dear Sister. Your conference videos showed-up in my YouTube feed, and I am grateful to Allah (SWT) for it. I have watched them and found them very beneficial. I am a Revert (2015), and have not yet been successful in being found for suitable marriage; I.e. per the Deen. (A bit difficult at my age it seems (52)) and with no Walli and no other Muslim relatives and living in a State with few available Muslim men/means to marriage. Hard to keep things Halal and harder to maintain hope. JazahkAllah khaira for sticking with what Allah Azawajel placed in your soul to do for those you don’t even know. This is Sadaqah jariya for you and all who helped/participated. (And I enjoyed the “realness” of it - your being bounced in and out of communication made it very normal and real. Al Latif knows some are tired of the contrived. Depth is in the struggle. MashaAllah TabarakAllah. Great success. I sincerely thank you.


To be a wife or a husband is a great blessing from Allah. Many tend to forget this. It is Allah who bring us together. The relationship between a husband and wife has great rewards. And it's not just fulfilling ones own desires but the little things. Simple act of communication, to showing a bit of physical affection. To work together to make it work. All the more, doing these things (including compromise) for the happiness of each other because you want to make Allah happy and get rewards. Both husband and wife needs to understand their responsibilities and understand the benefits of marriage. Sadly many tend to forget these benefits or not aware of it OR backward minded. This can be from both the brothers and sisters.


Whatever may the world say, this type of Muslim woman is most perfect type to ever exist throught ages. And it has always been the case. May Allah grant u and ur loved ones paradise.
Respect. 👏👏.


Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of annoyance): For Allah is Most High, great (above you all). Quran 4:34


If a bint doesn't value being a good wife it's similar to not being a good bint or mom etc.


May Allah make it easy for you. In the crazy times we live in, where up is down and bad is good, I totally get why some ladies might even get triggered by the word "wife".

But I'm way out of my depth and wouldn't even know where to start to undo whatever trauma or social conditioning these sisters have gone through to be where they are.


Assalamu alaikum Sister
Jazakallah khairan for the advice.
I would like yo to get in touch with you, can I get your email plz ??
Thank you
