Pragmatic State Management Using Provider (The Boring Flutter Development Show, Ep. 24)

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In this episode, Filip and Matt go over the Provider package, a straightforward way to manage state in a Flutter app. Watch the pair swap out BLoC with Provider in the Hacker News Flutter app.

#Flutter #BoringShow #AppDevelopment
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I love this show. 1) I am able to learn a lot while watching it. The context you get from watching you guys think about why/when to use a certain technique is really valuable and you don't get that in little snippet videos. 2) It's really reassuring to see you guys actually have to "think" about what to use. In the world of hyper-editted videos, it's easy for someone to come off as having zero struggle or thought process. Seeing you guys take a pause to consider the implementation is a nice reflection of the reality of programming - we're not just typing hundreds of lines of code every minute, flawlessly slamming out the perfect implementation.


I'd love for there to be another Boring Show with working on provider from scratch


Please do a show on State Management again. This was not informative at all. Demonstration of any architecture with an app that has 1-2 screens is easy. But how will the architecture scale in medium to large scale apps. We would love to hear what architecture solutions are used by big apps such as Google Ads, Hamilton, Reflectly etc.


That's exactly what I was looking for where refactor code having bloc pattern to provider pattern. It's really a very nice vblog on state management using provider. Though it names boring flutter development, in actual it was very interesting and I really enjoyed it. There was much learning along with the provider implementation. Thank you Flutter team, of course, Matt and Filip.


Having some friendship with RxJs and RxJava, This episode was an interesting one to me among many others. You guys are great. One Request - Please create an another episode on providers for medium to large application from scratch with some detailed info on it.


This stands the test of time. I laughed out loud a lot, especially in the beginning. Thanks for just wading into it and demonstrating good coding practice during realtime refactoring. I came here because my page keeps getting the MyApp's MaterialApp's context and then can't see the Providers that reside lower in the tree. Anyway, now I'm gonna watch it again.


I love to see you guys struggle as much as I do (as a flutter newbie).


the best show ever . better than netflix


As Matt admitted, this is quite struggling and confusing, possibly because we are refactoring from stream pattern to listener pattern. However, after watching this show, I have an impression that Provider is doing more than one things at the same time (SOLID anyone?), one is dependency injection, and two is dataflow/state management.
Doing DI, Provider is better and/or easier than InheritedWidget, at least with proper `dispose`. This is the reason it is said that Provider can be used with BLoC, and creates some confusion.
Doing state management, it takes a different approach than BLoC (which is basically stream/reactive/Rx), so the learning curve to flutter can be gentler for those who don't have the background in reactive functional


Apart from the excellent content, I ❤️ Matt's t-shirt


I need that dart t-shirt Matt's rockin.


Good paired programming. Need more videos like this. Off the cuff and trying to fix things on the fly.


Thanks for such a boring show 😆. Have been waiting for this topic. Hope you'll continue on this in next episode.
I think you guys should try live boring show so that we can also participate.


that dart side T-shirt is kicking all kinds of asses


Thanks guys!!! Officially switched to provider from scoped_model!! Thanks flutter team


It's not often that I feel so good after watching the notification for a "boring show".


Can you update the documentation on use cases of different providers?


Make a movie about the 3.0 provider. There are many changes, for example ProxyProvider, how to use it and when. BTW nice video 😉


it's not boring but awesome we can learn alot about provider I wish I can code like u all


I started thinking that it was an extended version of the IO talk, but instead of a nice way into Provider it was actually a painful guide of something you advised not to do in the talk: which is porting to Provider an app that was already working perfectly in Bloc. As a result it requires knowledge of both (BLoC and Provider) and was a pain to watch. Don't get me wrong, I love the show and I follow the whole series. But the question that remains in my mind after this process is whether I really learned something or got even more confused... was it worth it?
Maybe a better move would be porting from hardcore bloc to flutter_bloc lib instead.
And for provider lib, something from scratch would more helpful to 'think provider' from the beginning. Of course, that is either a branch of this show or we will have to wait until a new series start.
But thanks anyways. Sincerely.
