Adam Savage's Favorite Tools: Jewelry Clamps

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Over the years, Adam has learned to look to other industries to see if the tools, tips, and processes used by other experts could apply to his workflow. It's how he discovered emery boards work great as modelmaking sanding sticks, and where he found jewelry clamps to hold onto small and irregular-shaped objects. Good clampage is something every maker should have in their shop!

Shot by Gunther Kirsch and edited by Norman Chan

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I recommend getting catalogs of surgical tools and dental tools. They make all sorts of peculiar forceps, tweezers, clamps, cutters, etc. Dentists need extremely small grinding tips to sculpt false teeth, and they can be used in a Dremel tool. One of those came in mighty handy when I needed to make a precise, small-diameter, round-bottom groove in a metal plate.


I love all of these small tools that could make all the difference in a project


I just found one of those small clamps with the cone at a yard sale and immediately thought of this video. Really a great little tool.


17 years from now: Adam Savage's favorite Tools ... basically every tool :D


Never ceases to amaze me how many great tool recommendations Adam has. I'm never going to run out of cool tools to get. These look really handy.


I highly recommend sanding twigs. I just found out about them myself. They are ~3-4 mm wide emery boards.


as an engraving student it would be so cool to see you try your hands at engraving!


Yes! I've always believed in "cross pollination". I've always thought we were trying to solve problems somebody else has already solved. Thanks for the video.


As a retired jeweller myself, I can attest to the usefulness of the swiss clamp 👍

Edit - also, take a look at how jewellers make splitsticks/buff sticks 👍


I love falling down video rabbit holes. I've recently come to enjoy watching painting restoration videos, and I've learned a few things I think I can apply to prop making. Beyond that, it's just fascinating to watch these people meticulously clean, fix torn canvas, and then rebuild these paintings with varying degrees of additional paint.


A good clamp is never an understatement. I need to cut down 4 bolts that were attached to rubbed mounts. I spent a literal 20 minutes using my small bench mounted vice at home that was on a ball joint. the thing wobbled a bit and it was a nightmare. I thought "screw it" and decided to take the other 3 into work and use the big old heavy duty clamp in the workshop. it took me 30 seconds each to cut through the remaining bolts, same hacksaw, same bolts, its just this vice prevented it from wobbling.

This is why I love Adams content. so many other people will try and do the whole "you can make anything with pegs, bottle caps and hot glue" whereas Adam always aims aims to have the best tool for the job.


Third finger on left hand shows contusion... Adam is still busy... LOVE IT.


Hey Adam, Agreed! The ClickSpring channels are intoxicating. I have binged watched almost all of them. The workmanship is fantastic and the video quality is awesome.


I didnt even NEED to hear Adam explain the ball-base-weight... As soon as he picked it up and put it back down, I made that gasp noise and I knew it was an awesome object!


One trick I’ve learned is to stick things to these things to work on them. This can be as elaborate as soldering a small brass part to a larger chunk for machining, embedding in a pool of wax, to mounting plastic with double sided tape or superglue to a temporary base.


Nail E-File bits are fantastic for carving EVA foam. Multiple grit, multiple shapes and sizes. Nail dotting tools are great for embossing and shaping. Clear nail builder gel and a UV light for curing is a great glass simulation.


I used that engraver's ball when I was 12. Had engraving lessons at school. We had to engrave for a year on copper plates. Bring nice memories.


Used many of those same tools when I worked as a Tool and Die Maker doing small delicate work under a microscope. The engraving ball vice was a life saver when repairing mold surfaces with a laser welder and .003 inch welding wire. Totally agree with looking at tools in other industries to solve problems.


I'm a bit late but, as a amateur locksmith we use the hand vise to hold keys while making new keys for locks. I personality love jewelers tools.
