Mystery of New Jerusalem and the Bride of Christ

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Brothers and sisters, this video explains the mystery of the New Jerusalem, the Bride of Christ , the Revelation 12 woman and child and the Holy Spirit. This information was given to me by God. I have posted it before and this is just clarifying things. If you have any questions please ask and I will do my best to answer. I just want to make it clear that there are only 3 in the Godhead, not 4 as many are teaching. God the Father told me that he does not have a wife. The Holy Spirit is the Wife of Yahushua his son.
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The Holy Spirit is a Female and she has so long been miss represented and neglected. When I was being told about her and that she was a female, in my spirit, God asked me, how do you think she feels about that? So I ask you the same question that God aske me. How do you think the Holy Spirit feels about how she is treated? I believe she allows me to have her feeling and trust me brothers and sisters, she does not like and many will pay for grieving the Holy Spirit. And you false women claiming to be the wife of Yahushua, you too will stand before God and give an account for that.


Dear brother/sister in christ please pray for me. I have finished my chemotherapy for cancer. While undergoing treatment my two daughters moved out suddenly, my mother died, and my wife almost died due to covid. I suffer from anxiety attacks and depression. I suddenly have become an empty nester. I have been crying every day since February 27th the day my eldest daughter left. I am anxious about my situation and feel like i'm not needed anymore. Feel like a senior in an old folks home just waiting for death or the rapture. I'm expected back at work on August 3rd and I am fearful of going back. I have 2.5years before I can get a full pension. Am in debt for$26, 000. My sisters are fighting for money from my mothers house. And call me often to complain. I have prayed to the Lord to take my life. Please pray for me.


Pistis Sophia is His twinsoul Aeon, His sister and his spouse, before creation.


"The Spirit and the Bride says COME " this scripture shows the The Spirit n the Bride gives the living waters just as Jesus did n that settle it all, all the questions you asked are centered to one thing. The Bride is one Woman


Jerusalem above is free n the Mother of all.Bride of Christ is the Lamb wife


Thank You Ann for your teaching they are so great.
And may God through Christ Jesus bless you sweet sister in the Lord.
Amen 💖 🕊 🙏. ~P~


Great video blessings and much love sister, I feel your on the right path keep going let God guide you😍


If the holly spirit is the bride of Christ and the the holy spirit has been given to the believers to live in us forever doesn’t that makes us the bride of Christ since our bodies is now the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit?


Regarding you believing the church not being the woman….

The woman is the Temple of God made without hands.

When members of a church go inside the building, they are not here building. They are within it.

So too, the woman is the spiritual church, and those within Her, are the Children of God. Therefore the Children are not the church they are members of the Body of Christ.

The woman is a city. Is she also within the city?

She IS the city so those within the City are Citizens and members of the Spiritual City. The Woman is the Church made without hands.


I am the bride of Christ, New Jerusalem, woman clothed by the son, his Church and spiritual isreal.
