Arrows Viper - Vector Gyro 'Safe' Mode Explained with Mods & Launch Tech !!

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This is my Arrows 'Viper EDf Jet' getting ready for its second flight day at the field. But before launching, I just wanted to address a few questions about the "Vector" Gyro SAFE mode. I always use SAFE to launch at 100% throttle which will hold the model horizontal and level, but I also add approx 2 - 4% of extra up elevator on a 3 position switch. I switch this on with SAFE before launch, this way the model will start climbing as soon as the airspeed starts increasing and as soon as I am happy with the altitude, I can switch off my elevator, then SAFE off and I have full control. Hope you understand this explanation... but it works great, just watch this video and you will see what I mean :-)
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Good stuff Craig. Cold and windy here. cheers
