Difference between Judo and Kosen Judo - From the source interview

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From our interview with the senior teacher at the Nagoya University Judo Club on Kosen Judo, this video covers the differences between Judo and Kosen Judo, including:
- different rules, leading to a focus on newaza (ground techniques)
- the reason for pulling guard (hikkikomi) and focusing on newaza
- team competition focus
- the most common ground position
- common methods of victory

The interview took place on 16 June 2018 at Nagoya University (Gym No.4), Nagoya City, Japan. Thanks to Yuji Nimura, MD. and the Nagoya University Judo Club (Meidai Judo).

Yuji Nimura, MD.
- Master, Nagoya University Judo Club
- Special Member of the Medical Committee, All Japan Judo Federation
- Medical Commission Member, International Judo Federation.
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This is what I believe about jujutsu 🙏 It was a complete martial art with different
styles of fighting methods
1 kendo as sword fighting
2 karate as hand to hand
3 aikido as hand vs sword
4 judo as throw vs sword
5 jujitsu or Kosen vs empty hand on ground level I believe this was the real purpose of the martial arts in the past .


Love judo, love kosen judo and love bjj. No matter what people say its all Ju jitsu which originated from japan and made better by modern Japanese and brazil.


A 75 year-old with cauliflower ear. Respect.


Thank you for sharing it.
The part about the use of guard pull to prevent being thrown (ippon ending the game) by bigger or more experienced judokas and newaza as a way to draw against those same, as well as the team spirit of kosen judoka is also described in the book "Osaekomi" by World champion Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki.


In BJJ "Pulling guard" is very different than going for a sacrifice throw in Judo and thats what makes the big difference! In Judo were ALWAYS trying to WIN the takedown


I, ve trained at nagoya university sometimes and I have seen him there.


Would give anything to have a chance to roll with Sensei here & learn from him. So many decades of experience under his belt, it must be enlightening to roll with him... once you're conscious again.


Many thanks for posting this. I found it very interesting.


So a team mindset because of the ruleset causes individual players to use pulling the opposing player down into Newaza to avoid losing and either win on the ground or maintain a draw. This nullifies the better thrower and helps the team overall. BJJ comes directly from this idea except without the team. Nullify the bigger attacker by going to the ground.
Of course in an actual attack being adept at throws, trips and sweeps makes way more sense wether it’s so you can then escape or have to defend against another attacker.
Newaza in general but guard play more so should not be the focus if your training for self defense and even cop or bouncer would be better off on top in Newaza.
Every rule set lends itself to highlight different skills. Something to be learned from all three variations.


This video was so awesome bro I can't even thank you enough for going out and finding this amazing man and information.
This is basically exactly what happened when Judo came to Brazil. This guy developed it like they did. The grappling and ground game continuation. Regular Judo is the throw and if it's not ippon sarayanaga then a quick armbar and it's done... Definitely subscribing


This is BJJ, some of the Gracie's won't admit it but kosen had an influence on count chokes judo


Kosen is a set of rules, not an art. The title makes little sense.

The conversation in the video is about IJF rules vs Kosen rules.

The art is the same.


so in short kosen judo is focusing on newaza and competition aspect? correct me if what I understand is wrong


This is the martial art that the Gracies learned from Mitsuyo Maeda, renaming it Gracie Jiu Jitsu, deceiving the whole world by saying that they were the inventors.


I'm doing research on katame no kata.
Is it possible to have a document or to know which were the techniques of the first katame no kata with 10 techniques?


So the Gracie's trained kosen judo changed the rules like.. Eddie bravo bjj comp rules from ibjf but thats all because of.. helio he invented the guard and leverage and the wheel 🤷 so kron Gracie and his sons said


Dude Kosen Judo is what they call today “Brazilian” Jiu-Jitsu


Kosen judo seem very near to bjj..it all focus on ne waza


This looks better than judo or bjj to me. If I were going to start again I would want kosen judo


Ok the sensei only explained the different rules between both judo and kosen judo ... and I knew that, already. ..
The golden question was and still is - who is better, stronger and more complete in a fight. .. kosen judo or kodokan judo ...
I belive that this is the milion dollar question. .. what style is in fact more complete in a real fighting scenario. ...
Please if anyone knows for sure or has an idea of what style it's better please say it and give me the reasons for your answer. ..
Thank you for helping me on this ...
