Disjoint-Set Data Structure (Union-Find) | Fast Subset Checking

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Problem Statement:

### Terms/Facts

- The disjoint-set structure is a series of directed trees (with all nodes pointing towards the root).
- Each directed tree represents a subset.
- Each node represents an item in a subset.
- The root node of any given subset tree is called the **representative** node and is symbolized by `repr(x)` (”the representative node of the subset `x` is contained in).
- If `repr(x) == repr(y)` then `x` & `y` are in the same subset (the same tree).
- The root node loops back to point to itself as its parent (forming a closed loop).

The disjoint-set structure primes us for fast computation over 2 key operations: `FindRepr(x)` & `Union(x, y)`. Though the structure has 3 operations as follows:

- `MakeSet(x)`: Create a new subset with a single item with value `x`
- `FindRepr(x)`: Find the representative node for the subset containing `x`
- (this primes us for quickly seeing if `x` & `y` are in the same subset)
- `Union(x, y)`: Merge the subset containing `x` with the subset containing `y`
- (if `x` & `y` are in the same subset then no action is necessary)


- We aim to avoid connecting 2 nodes already in the same connected component.
- We only want to expand the Minimum Spanning Tree by connecting 2 disjoint components with the next cheapest edge (the algorithm’s goal).


Table of Contents:
0:00 - Introduction
1:18 - Trees Review
2:47 - Forests
4:08 - The Core Problem
06:18 - Kruskal’s Algorithm Review
08:01 - Disjoint-Set Operations
08:53 - Subset Representation
10:47 - Operations: MakeSet
11:56 - The Representative Node
12:59 - What Are Subsets in Trees?
13:30 - Operations: FindRepr (unoptimized)
14:55 - FindRepr Worst Case
15:24 - Operations: Union (unoptimized)
17:32 - Optimizing Operations
19:22 - Path Compression
21:49 - Weighted Union
25:01 - Complexities
28:00 - Closing

Рекомендации по теме

Excellent explanation and clear language! I'm starting out in Python and wanted to challenge myself. Thank you for the lesson!


Nice explanation. If it was a little bit slowly, it would be better :)


What is the board you use to draw stuff ?


Hey Ben! I can't figure out how interview pen differs from backtobackswe. Which product should I get? Can you please guide me?
