Why I lived as a BUDDHIST MONK for 6 Years / And What It Taught Me About Myself

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Many have asked why I left to go live as a Buddhist monk in Asia for 6 years, there's gotta be a story there right? Yes there is, and in this video I share it as if though you'd sit next to me and ask me as a friend. It's a relatable story that many can recognize and find something usefull in hearing about how I went from a successfull career to living full time in meditation centers across Asia and Europe.

Come and join us for livestreamed GUIDED MEDITATIONS on YouTube LIVE. We offer these on Mondays and Thursdays at 8 pm CET.

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Come and join us for livestreamed GUIDED MEDITATIONS on YouTube LIVE. We offer these on Mondays and Thursdays at 8 pm CET.

If you want to work with me DIRECTLY, I offer individual COACHING sessions. To get rates and schedule a free 15-minute call to see if we are a good fit, email me at If you want to SUPPORT the channel and help me create more videos like this, you can buy me a coffee at buymeacoffee.com/FormerMonk


If you guys ever have the opportunity to meditate for a long period of time, do it! I meditated for an hour and omg, it was like the world opened up to me. My mind was quite literally, blown.


I live for almost 9 years now the "hermit" lifestyle, and I love it... The big falsehood about this life choice is that you are isolated from human kind and contact, and that it is unhealthy. This is a false narrow claim usually pushed by the media. And we know how that is. Embrace the life which makes good for the heart. In love and light...


Today is my birthday, and such a gift was this video... I really felt the lesson you've learned with your grandmother & connected to your story Martin


It’s so nice to hear about your journey Martin.
When we met in Plum Village, you were Dhammadinne. I arrived at the train station in St Foy LeGrande with no clue. You just appeared in your robes out of nowhere to pick me and other people who had arrived for the retreat. You had the biggest and warmest smile. I felt an instant connection and over the week we shared many lovely conversations. I guess we were on the same path to understand our minds, hearts and ourselves.
Now we’re both married with kids. How life changes.
Wish you the best with your journey brother. Hope to shake your hand one day and meet each other’s families 😊


Thank you so much for making this video Martin. I attended my first Vipassana retreat in June 2024 and it changed my life in an incredibly positive way.


Your story around your grandmother was everything; it had me tear up and experience a sense of release that I didn't realize I needed (and probably need more of). Thank you for sharing your story and an avenue to get to know one's mind. I would like to understand my own mind better....


"To understand Buddhism is to understand oneself, for all truths lie within each of us."


Thanks for sharing the sotry with your grandmother! She seemed like an awesome Grandma. What I learned from this is that you should spend your time with others as it could end tomorrow. Thanks for opening up.
I am still 17 and still trying to figure out where to go... and what this is all about.
I loved to sit in my chair and just calmly listen to your story. I love this. I am looking forward to more.
Take care <3


Great job!
I remember you were telling why you have decided to get roped when we've met at the Vipasana center near Kandi. Thanks for teaching me how to meditate and for providing me with a guided meditation record (it helped a lot throughout this decade and especially helpful nowadays). It was interesting to find out why you have decided to come back to a civil life. Wishing you to be well and happy))


Hey, Martin! I discovered you through the comments section on Think Media. I think you have an incredible story and a wealth of value to share. Thank you.


Martin, I LOVED your video!!! You are so frank and honest about yourself and your experiences! By turns moving, enlightening, and amusing - this was a Dharma talk utterly devoid of pretension and false piety, and therefore so invaluable to seekers and strugglers like me! Thank you!


Vipassana meditation method is so beneficial! 😊
May all beings be happy 🙏😊


This was really great to listen to and you look great for 45 mate


I always wondered if these teachings were there even before we were born. Yet, we did not pay any attention or choose ignorance because something is more attractive than simply boring ourselves with doing nothing...but some twist comes in life that takes us to choose this enlightenment path...Enlightenment demands the Taste of Suffering to understand it better.


Great story. So heartbroken to hear about your grandmother's death. It reminded me of my mother & her dinner roll recipe she made for her church, although we got to see her make it before she died but the experience is an unforgettable treasure


WOW……you’ve done a LOT. I’m looking forward to the rest of your videos.


You are a great story teller! Enjoyed hearing it!!


It's troubling to see someone who lived in Burma to study Buddha’s teachings, specifically the Mahasi Sayadaw technique, yet can’t even say their teacher’s name correctly. Burma is a very poor country, but their meditation centers offer teachings for free without asking for any labor and fees in return, unlike many other centers. It feels like some Westerners may not fully appreciate the generosity of Asians, which I find both unsettling and sad.


Loved your story bro! You've got a sweet energy, keep it up!
