First French Empire (1804–1814, 1815) 'Chanson de l'oignon'

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The Song of the Onion is an anonymous French military song of the Revolution and the First Empire . It was one of the favorite tunes of the Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard .
The theme of this song is quoted, with the note, by the call of the horns in the opening of the opera of Etienne Nicolas Mehul "The hunt of the young Henri" created on May 1st 1797 room Favart in Paris . Due to the success and popularity of the Song of Onion in the early xix th century, it seems very likely that Mehul was the author.
Legend has it that the song was born shortly before the Battle of Marengo on June 14, 1800 . Bonaparte perceives grenadiers who vigorously rub a crust of bread. "What the hell are you doing on your bread? he asked them. - It's onion, General. - Ah! Okay, there's nothing better to walk briskly along the path of glory " .
The Foreign Legion keeps it in his repertoire.
The theme of this song is quoted, with the note, by the call of the horns in the opening of the opera of Etienne Nicolas Mehul "The hunt of the young Henri" created on May 1st 1797 room Favart in Paris . Due to the success and popularity of the Song of Onion in the early xix th century, it seems very likely that Mehul was the author.
Legend has it that the song was born shortly before the Battle of Marengo on June 14, 1800 . Bonaparte perceives grenadiers who vigorously rub a crust of bread. "What the hell are you doing on your bread? he asked them. - It's onion, General. - Ah! Okay, there's nothing better to walk briskly along the path of glory " .
The Foreign Legion keeps it in his repertoire.
First French Empire (1804–1814, 1815) 'Chanson de l'oignon'
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