Should I leave Pakistan?

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The way our politicians, beurocrates, Judges and Generals are behaving and selling our country cheaply for little benefits, the disappointment and frustration in youth is understandable.


I have to add my two cents here. Btw, I'm a second gen Pakistani from Khi whose grand parents immigrated from India. I myself was a true patriotic Pakistani and when I immigrated to Canada back in 2008, when I was 23 years old. I went with a plan to study and become financially stable and then return to Pakistan as parents and siblings were there. I was living with my aunt's family and I used to argue with my cousins in favour of Pakistan and how Pakistan is better in certain ways from Canada. My cousins came to Canada as kids so it was home for them and they used to degrade Pakistan and Pakistanis.

Things didn't go as planned and I came back in 2010 with no intention to return even though, I was a PR back then. I resumed my studies and started looking for jobs. I was unable to find any job and I was continuously advised by my elders and other people to return to Canada. People used to call me crazy that being a PR, I don't want to live in Canada and here people are dying to move to Canada.

In late 2012, I finally decided to return to Canada half heartedly as I was unable to find a job and my PR was also going to expire. This time, I decided to live on my own and since then, I'm still there and Alhamdulillah, married and have couple of kids now. Whatever I have earned is from Canada, so I have utmost respect for that country. In all those years, I always sailed in two ships as my mind stayed in Canada and heart in Pakistan which didn't help me to grow as I was not focused. I always though about returning to Pakistan and start some kind of small business there.

While I'm writing this, I'm in Khi for more than four months now and my plan to ever move to Pakistan has completely changed. Why? Because I couldn't find a single reason except personal ones like parents and siblings, to stay in this country. There is never ending list of issues. There would be no other city like Khi but sadly, it was ruined by politicial parties and army altogether. This city has became a victim of hatred and discrimination. Even if I try to look past these issues, I can't tolerate our people. Everybody is corrupt in their own way. It's worse than a jungle right now. I feel ashamed that we even call ourselves Muslims because there is no sight of Islam in our country. I always advise people if they can afford, go and visit any developed western country and I'm sure you'll feel ashamed being a Pakistani Muslim and where we stand as a nation. Forget being a Muslim, we shouldn't even be called humans.

People who're against moving to western countries. I have to tell you that those non Muslims are actually following Islam, where even a cat killed is investigated and killer gets apprehended. Where people have respect for each other. Employers look after their employees and treats them with respect. Everybody has equal rights whether you live there for generations or few years. Police treats us as they're our servants. These countries actually follow the correct meaning of public servants unlike Pakistan. Politicians and high rank govt. employees don't get any protocols or any kind of benefits like we get here for e.g, govt. number plates, fuel, cars etc. We have freedom of speech. People can swear on PM's face and not get arrested but in Pakistan, you criticize army being an Urdu speaking and you'll get abducted but you can get away if you're from any other ethnicity. We're slaves in our own country. Anyways, there is a long list I can present about pros of living in west.

Even if I talk about Islam, I have seen better Muslims there. It all depends on your upbringing. I have seen an Imam who was born there and his wife wears a veil and I have seen people moved from Pakistan and started drinking and committing zina so in the end, it all depends on you. Even in Pakistan, people are doing everything under the table.

Sadly, this country is not livable anymore if you're honest, truthful and wants to live with dignity.


I moved to the U.S. some 30 years ago when I was 18. Alhamdolillah monetarily I have done well but I could say with 99% certainty that it’s extremely difficult to protect your deen beyond the first generation after you. If you want to earn dunya, moving might not be a bad idea especially if your family is struggling financially but deen will always be in danger if your children grow up here.


"Every" decision has a opportunity cost.. everything has pros and cons.. so nothing is 100% perfect. Think twice 🙌🏼❤️ From Chittagong 🇧🇩


Sir we are so blessed to have mentor like you in our youtube community, JazakALLAH for sincere guidance.


Well said respected sir. True words. But future of next generations is serious question mark


Didn’t realise how situation has deteriorated so much in Pakistan. If you have the opportunity just go for it! Allah bless you to make the best choices


Professor Dr. Javed - I was Assistant professor in Pakistan and left the country in 2000 and came to Australia because of same reasons. I know it is very hard to leave your country and loved one. I am encouraging young people if they have opportunities to come overseas please do so for yourself and your coming generations. Most of you would be contributing for humanity. DO NOT LIMIT YOUR TALENT.


We live in UK and i feel more safe here than Pakistan Alhamdolilah my kids are learning best of deen and getting education. I have kids from age 17-6 and I always tell them one thing no matter what, never make Allah angry or naraaz with you or you will have to success in duni or akhirah.Pakistan is very hard place to live as there is no rules and regulations. May Allah make it easy for people who live there Ameen


There is an Italian proverb " if there is gold and diamond raining in foreign country and blood and draggers raining in your is still better to remain in your own country"...BTW I am also a doctor and I have worked in foreign...but at the end they don't treat you well and you remain a third degree citizen...this is a bitter truth.


There is always two sides of the story. While there are stories of prejudice and discrimination against us in these countries, I for one have progressed very well along with many of my friends and fellow Pakistani community members here in Canada. The way life has changed for so many of us would not have been possible for us in Pakistan. I was called out being a Shia or Urdu speaking openly at work places in Pakistan whereas here I lead a couple of hundred people most of whom are white or locals.


The best way to resolve this situation in my opinion is to go abroad, live there for some time, and then decide if you should stay there or come back home. At least, the experience in a foreign country will be highly beneficial for your future.


Biggest challenge abroad is staying firm on your Deen and teach your generation. I have seen people get into bad habits and they lost themselves and their kids are lost as well.


Brother from USA. Sir you have really honest opinion about it. I am living here for last 38 years and I have same feeling like you do. Allah may bless us. Love your efforts.


I thank Allah for having people like Dr Javed for his guidance and his knowledge here in Pakistan....these are times of confusion, lies and desparity that we are living in....we need all the help n guidance in the world!
Thank u Sir!!
Utmost respect for u!!!


Dr sabh, I also had that question in back of my mind?
Thanks for your answer.
You should participate in politics, we need people like you in the top administration.


Go abroad, learn about your field and their system, then come back and try to correct the problems in your system and help the next generations to come.


I left Pakistan for good 3 years back and I'm pretty satisfied. Lots of opportunities, and lots of areas for your growth and success. The challenges that we face here don't affect your mental health however in Pakistan every challenge affects your mental health pretty badly. That's the main difference that I have observed.


Anyone who can settle abroad should act immediately. In Pakistan, there is no rule of law, system, or security, and above all, we have a power sector that never thinks about the people of Pakistan but for their own benefit. I don't believe that there is any chance of correction.


Al hamdulillah, being a dr. My thoughs are same as dr javed said so far,
Before this i didn't know that we can go there and can come back to serve our nation,
When dr sahab said that i went there just becoz of learning purpose at this point a thought the same, that yessss i'll go outof country and will come back to serve my country! In sha Allah.. may Allah blesss and gives long life, , dr javed iqbal.
