Humpty Dumpty | Wally and the Beet

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Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again

Humpty Dumpty bonked his big head
Ever since then he’s been lying in bed
All of the villagers out in the street
Couldn't get Humpty back up on his feet

Humpty Dumpty fell off his horse
Humpty Dumpty shattered of course
All the king's doctors and even his nurse
Thought that they might have to bring in the hearse

Humpty Dumpty got stung by a bee
And he was allergic unfortunately
All the queens ladies in waiting arrived
And used an epipen to keep him alive

Humpty Dumpty woke up with pinkeye
So he stayed in his bed and did nothing but cry
The chambermaid came to change out his bedding
But couldn't stop Humpty's pinkeye from spreading

Humpty Dumpty fell into a pan
Was cooked over easy with hashbrowns and ham
The king and the queen sent out a decree
Come gather and we will have breakfast with thee
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