What You Should Major In, If You Don't Know What You Want to Do

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A friend of mine started majoring in architecture with me and left the following comment on one of my recent videos:

"As a person who went into architecture school (with Drew actually), knew what the profession was, and realized two years in that it wasn't for me, I learned that architecture school can help you find yourself. It's a nice intersection of a lot of things in the professional world. That being said, if you think you need out, make sure you do it at the right time. Make sure you got what you went there for if that's at all attainable. For me, it instilled a very close connection to social science and design theory, which might sound weird. But my interest in social behavior (what I study now) started with me trying to figure out large building flow charts in architecture school. If I hadn't learned about that, I would not be where I am now, heading into a doctorate program in information science.

Talk to people in your program. Talk to your professors about your plans. Talk to the architects that show up to your critiques about your interests. They'll tell you what they think and whether those goals are attainable on your current path. It will help. Whatever you do, don't isolate yourself in fear of judgment."

If you 1. have no idea what you want to do, 2. are not afraid to work really hard, and 3. can financially afford it....You should consider majoring in architecture.

Casey Neistat tells people that if they do not know what they want to do, they should do something they hate. I think architecture is also an good option, because it touches on so many different topics including ones you will love and ones you will hate. It will give you the taste of something you like AND it will prepare you by improving several skills you can use in any field, like design abilities, critical thinking, work ethic, etc.

(I recognize that "doing something you hate" is drastically cheaper than majoring in architecture. But I know that a lot of young people feel pressured by their parents to go to college regardless. If you are going there anyway and feel completely indifferent to what you major in, don't waste several years floundering around between easy majors. Grab life by the horns and figure out what you want to do.)

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For me personally I found that by just taking your gen ed classes really help. I took all my gen ed classes first and it really helped me figure out the things that I enjoy etc.


Thank you! This video helped a lot. I didnt really know what I wanted to study in university and I was thinking about going into architecture but wasn't 100% sure. Now that I watched this video my ideas are much clearer! Appreciated it!!


I want to do anything that has to do with design !


I would agree that architecture is amazing for learning to learn skills which is crucial nowadays (the same goes for degrees I'm math and philosophy). But I think that if you don't know what to do with your life you should do some short-term courses from different areas, cause it will give you the most essential knowledge and you would be able to immediately tell if it sparks interest in you.


I am majoring in costume design at this moment. I have been doing lots of construction work, which makes me related to some of your words. The only difference is that I work on fabric and garments. Architecture is an interesting field. My own dad is an architect. I am growing interest in architect recently, but I don't know where to start? Should I start with reading some architecture books?


I want to be an architect but I am not good in maths but I am good at painting, what should I do


I think your advise is best for someone who is already studying architecture and don't know what then to do with it ie. Focus on, not for generally someone who has no clue yet what to study at uni or if to go to uni, definitely change the title please. P.S I live your vedios


Marc in urban design, architecture, technology design, sustainable design, bim modelling ? Or mba in construction management


I'm broke and still don't know what to major in... help!!!!
