Dark Chantings Temple Occult Music - TEMPLE

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#dark #meditation #ambient #atmosphere #528hz #focusmusic #om #occultmusic #monastery #temple #templemusic #chanting #atmospheric #calmmusic #eerie
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It is not disturbing or scary, it is calm and melancholic. Just how I prefer it.


Dude, It feels like a gift from the algorithm when instead of YouTube recommending goofy videos, it recommends these hidden gems!


To the person reading this, Good Luck! Don't stress, everything will be fine. No matter what difficulty you are facing right now, you can overcome it! You are strong and brave.


I gotta say, this has been perfect for the nights where I get home late and have to go in early. It's a monotonous feeling, Go to work, come home, go to work, come home, never resting for long, but this makes those few hours of waiting feel so much better. Like I'm feeling my body's pain and stress not melt, but rather chip away. Maybe I wish I had a temple of my own, maybe I need to get some sleep, maybe I need to stop thinking so much...'eh, I digress, but the droning does put me at ease.


People I work with: What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?
Me: It’s complicated.


Don't ever take this down. It's a masterpiece. Calm, relaxing, peaceful, sacred chants accompanied by dark, eerie, mysterious, infernal sounds... Wonderful combination and arrangement. Perfect for sleeping, writing, thinking... I personally love it. Thank you for creating this


Im literally at my lowest moment of my life, wishing not to wake up tommorow, but this music somehow reminds me that I steel got a soul. Thanks


Those low tones and vibrations have a healing effect. It strengthens the mind body and spirit. ❤️


This makes me imagine myself as some sort of holy knight with dark armor, traversing purgatory where all the lost souls are at. the landscape being bleak and semi-cold. Where the souls are not like spiritual ghostly beings but instead corpse-like with dried almost rocky skin. Where the color palette is of black, white, grey, and red being the most notable colors. faint colors of blue, green, yellow etc exist. It's pretty foggy, and the trees are leafless, the sky is cloudy with some breakage where the god rays emit down burning any soul that is caught by the light. It is a pretty windy place where you hear the whispers of both the souls and the wind itself, blowing my red cape. Instead of running, jogging, or sprinting, I am simply traversing the landscape slowly. Puddles of water are everywhere, and every once in a while rain pours down hard onto the dry-cracked ground.

Idk, that is what I imagine while listening to this.


I believe I am supposed to be here. Thank you spirits for guilding me to this sacred space.


Normally I don’t comment on a video twice, but this is soul cleaning. Don’t be surprised if I comment a third time. ❤


Feel like I'm waking through the halls of my ancestors (I have been chosen to become the best my bloodline has ever seen and break generational curses bestowing generational blessings)


Sometimes, you end up in a cold room, dark and empty. Closed windows, locked doors. Your eyes have adapted to the small light that seeps into the holes of your curtains. You stand in the middle of the room and you have finally become this "entity" you had seen in a strange and penetrating dream 🕌


Reading Anne Rice while listening to this is Heaven 🩸🩸🩸


Man this artwork is absolutely breathtaking. Its like a temple in the abyss in a sense, and theres this ray of light shining down from above the dark stormy sky, as you can see the lighting hit the pillers. God theres just so much curiosity about this image. Like what happened there, do heros go there to cleanse their soul from the clutches of evil? You could quite honestly write an entire novel from just this one picture alone. 😮


I know I am destined for greatness I feel it, but always if I find some little luck in my life it turns away I always see a glimpse of it and then it turns black again and again and again but i feel something great is coming my way and life gives me a lot of lessons to not find peace. So I finally learned how to live in the darkness.


Dark ambient is just the best thing ever created.


أشعر با الاستسلام الي القدر والهدوء مع قليل من الحزن


In the heart of a forest, where shadows converge,
Lies the Temple of Dark, where the chantings emerge.
Ancient stones, moss-covered, under moon’s cold gleam,
Hold the secrets of old, where the night and dreams team.

Whispers of spells, from the priests of the night,
Invoke powers unknown, in the absence of light.
With each word that's chanted, the air grows more cold,
As the forces of the occult, in the temple, unfold.

Candles flicker, casting eerie ballet,
On walls etched with symbols, keeping daylight at bay.
The sacred ground pulses, with energies vast,
Echoes of rituals, from forgotten past.

Here, in the heart of the enigmatic shrine,
The line between our world and another's entwine.
In the Temple of Dark, where chantings do soar,
The Occult reigns supreme, now and evermore.


Being awake at night is such a peace i can finally breathe normally Its just better because the whole world is sleeping while ur awake
