Understanding Map Algebra in ArcMap with Raster Calculator | 4 | @GISSchools

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our discussion is ongoing on the raster dataset and we have applied many functions and analyzed a lot to see how we can use and analyze raster data with different tools. Today, we will take this topic a bit further and see how we can calculate raster values. As you know, the pixels in a raster image have different values in each cell. We can use these pixel values for mathematical operations. In ArcMap, the calculator we use is called the Raster Calculator. The Raster Calculator uses map algebra expressions to perform various operations.

In this video, we demonstrate:
1. Opening the Raster Calculator.
2. Performing mathematical operations on raster values.
3. Using conditional functions to extract specific values.
4. Merging raster datasets using the Raster Calculator.

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Raster Calculator Overview - 0:01:00
Performing Mathematical Operations - 0:02:12
Conditional Functions - 0:03:19
Merging Raster Datasets - 0:06:03

#Raster #Calculator #expression

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