Why Goddess Kali Appeared Before Shri Ramakrishna Paramhansa? | RAMAKRISHNA KALI DARSHAN

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How Shri Ramakrishna Paramhansa Saw The Hindu Goddess Kali?

Ramakrishna poured his heart and soul into the worship of Kali. While others perceive Kali as destruction, for him She was the all-loving Mother. While she wore a garland of heads on neck, Her waist was covered with human arms, two of her hands held weapons of death, and eyes that glazed fire, strangely Ramakrishna felt in her presence the soothing touch of tender love.

Once when he was anxious and restless, he picked up a sword that was kept in Mother Kali’s temple to kill himself. Suddenly the Goddess appeared in front of him. In that moment he could see nothing else in the world, not even his own existence, all his eyes were able to see was the form of Kali. This vision disappeared immediately. Ramakrishna describes that moment to be so short that it last for blink of an eye, yet so limitless and infinite that it would remain with him for eternity.

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He even considered his wife to be a manifestation of Kali and worshipped her. Truly, this life becomes worth living when we struggle for spirituality. Jai Jai Thakur, Jai Sri Ma, Jai Jai Swami ji 🙏🏼


I love how Sri Ramakrishna didn't follow all the formalities to worship Maa, He just did everything with love and Devotion, and that's why Maa visited him and appeared before him🙏


I don't know how many of you will believe this but i am getting goosebumps and literally my eyes are wet just by listening this pure and heart melting story of a true "bhakta" and our beloved "mata kali".
Nothing can compare the love and care of our prabhu showering to his true worshippers.❤️ॐ


Thank you so much..im an Australian born and bred here trying to learn hindu history culture..this makes it easier for me to learn🙏


Shree Ramakrishna never differentiated between Brahmins and Non-Brahmins from childhood. Everyone was creation of god to him. Every thing a creation of god. He embraced all faith. He realised that the supreme divine is in all regardless of the name by which it is called upon.


A little correction Khudiram chattopadhyay didn't name his son Ramakrishna. His early name was Gadadhar. The name "Ramakrishna" was given by his guru not his father.


Kya bhakti hai unki. Truly a blessing for anyone who is a seeker. I had tears in my eyes everytime I read or listen to his stories. Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Haridas Thakur Ji, Kabir Das Ji, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Meera Bai. Just some amazing examples of what bhakti can do to a human and how immensely powerful it is. :D


“Devotion and sincerity will more than compensate for any lack of knowledge “
(Aka- Renunciation )


Saint RamaKrishna is great enough to see Maa Kali in the Modern Era(Kaliyug) and Spent almost his Life time By Worshipping The Goddess and Lucky enough to serve the Mother personally Face to Face His Favourite Student Swami Vivekananda emerged has a glimpse of Him Who is Called as Youth Icon of India ...We hv to be Proud to hv such kind Persons who have born in our Motherland.


If there is one incarnation/saint that the world needs right now it is Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Srimathe Sharada Devi who were epitome of tolerance, respect to all and devotion. Even if they are physically not there their teachings should be made popular


Kali Maa has always been so beautiful and sweet for me. You don't have to believe everything you read!


He was not named Ramakrishna. He was named Gadadhar. Later, people gave him the popular name of Ramakrishna Deva


The way it is narrated is so soothing and real. It brought tears into my eyes. Joy maa Kali 🚩


Maha kavi Kalidasa was so lucky. Without any effort mother kali gave him darshan and made him as a Maha kavi.


The reference to caste in this video was unnecessary .Shri Ramakrishna saw God in everyone from a prostitute to a Queen Rani Rasmani. who builds the Kali temple was herself not a high caste person by birth .Her birth did you matter to him


Wow..This channel is now my most favorite


your voice is so calming, it feels as if the Goddess herself ushers the flowers of knowledge from your voice


Wrathful deities are more deep and in fact they symbolize compassion in action. When I was in a very difficult and painful situation, I turned to Maa Kali and I am convinced she helped save the life of my son. As to me, I kept confident and active, imagining that all would be overcome and well in the end. She is a cosmic force for good.


Beautiful, thank you so much. Reminder of where the heart and mind must focus 🕉


I deny the fact that Sri Ramkrishna deb differentiated between Bramhins and Non-bramhins. It's a wrong fact. He even told that " যত মত তত পথ, কালী খ্রিস্ট আল্লা সবই এক". He was the emblem of communal harmony.
