Charter act of 1813 #shorts

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Charter act of 1813 :

Why was it introduced? To uphold the spirit of Laissez-faire and address the grievance of the Continental system by Napoleon by which European ports were closed for Britain.
Features :
1. The company’s monopoly over trade in India ended but the company retained the trade with China and the trade-in tea.
2. The company was to retain possession of territories and revenue for 20 yrs more.
3. The regulations made by the Councils of Madras, Bombay & Calcutta were now required to be laid before the British parliament. The constitutional position of British territories was defined explicitly for the 1st time.
4. A sum of 1 lac Rs was set aside for education.
5. Shareholders of the company were to be 10.5% dividend
6. Christian missionaries were allowed to come to India and preach their religion
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Here you are saying COMPANY again and again here you mean East India Company ???


Christian missionaries were also allowed to convert Indians


Can u plz tell me why EIC was allowed to have trade monopoly for tea opium and with china..
