How Much Money YouTube Paid Me with 1500 Subscribers (My First 30 Days as a Monetized Creator)

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In this video I am sharing my journey to becoming a monetized creator on YouTube. I show how much money I've made in my first 30 days, and offer a complete breakdown of where that money comes from. If you're interested in growing your own YouTube Channel or are curious how much small creators make on YouTube, this video is for you!

#youtuber #makemoneyonyoutube #youtubepartnership

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00:00 - Intro
01:24 - Monetization Requirements
02:09 - My Journey
07:21 - How to Make $$ on YouTube
09:18 - How Much I Made
11:24 - Complete Breakdown
13:26 - My Best Performing Content
15:41 - How You Can Help



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Don't give up on your channel, whoever is reading this; it will succeed soon! It is like a Marathon, keep doing what you love!


Great story, and I am happy to see you are satisfied. Being a YouTuber is very similar to running your own business. You should upload things people want to see, just like businessman should offer product/service that people need. And when the growth becomes real, you can consider hiring people to help you run your channel more efficiently. The most difficult part is starting and growing of course, but consistency and hard work (with a little bit of help from Fame- ster of course) will always pay off at the end.


If you are seeing this, much Success in 2024❤️🙌🔥


To all the beginners, good luck, and I hope you make it 1k


It took me 6 months to gain 1000 subscribers. I definitely reached the watch hours much quicker. It’s crazy because when I heard 4000 watch hours I thought that was impossible, but it wasn’t hard at all. The subscriber climb was frustrating and I almost gave up. I say all this to say, anyone that is feeling doubtful and frustrated staring at no movement in the subscriber climb, keep making videos!!! I promise you things will turn around.


4000 is possible for all of us who want it! Let's keep pushing! 💜


When I made my first dollar on YouTube I was over the moon! I just got my first payment from YouTube and I’ve made more on YouTube in the first 30 days than I did on TikTok in four years. I’m definitely going to start spending more time here. Thanks for this great video ❤


These videos are so encouraging. I started my channel 2 weeks ago about personal finance, real estate investing, and business. It is slowly moving forward, but it is a lot of work. It is fun and I love answering questions.


I can’t believe it I finally got monetised and got 80k on 1 video 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 good luck to everyone who is really trying hard if I can do it so can you, keep going you’ve got this ❤️


I'm not a YT creator (just a watcher, I'm 61 and i and somehow you popped up. You are so good at talking in front of the camera - very comfortable and natural! I enjoyed watching this video even tho I'm not planning on being a creator; I like learning things. Gave you a thumbs up and watched from start to finish. I think you're amazing bc you followed your dream from a young age and now it's happening. Congratulations 🎉


Great video thanks! I was just monetised at the start of December. I made $1, 248 USD (just under £1k) for my first month - pure ads only, I have membership but no one joins yet. I do copyright free sound effects (record or source them myself) and my target audience is mostly content creators. I've had a few channels before and this one gets views in totally different ways. 95% of my views are from YouTube search. I don't really get a proper community who follow me, its just people coming in, getting a sound they are hunting for and then leaving. 😅 That is fine by me since its nice ad revenue, but does get a bit lonely since few people comment. But I'm enjoying the journey so far! Honestly I had no idea it would earn this much. Like you I would have been happy with a couple of bucks in my first month! 😁😆😅


Thanks Danielle! You give hope to all of us little and (hopefully) upcoming channels. Your video was a Gem ! 😊


Just wait. If you stay consistant it will get crazy.


Thank you so much for creating this content! I’m just starting to double down and put time into my YouTube Channel. I’ve been wondering about these numbers and what drives them, so your perspective is invaluable!


So elaborate, thankyou so much for sharing this information, it's so helpful
I 💯 relate when you say you had allways wanted to be on YouTube but had never taken action.
Look at you and where you are!!


Dear God, I love how LOUD and CLEAR you speak! Thanks


I got monetized April 2021 (after 3 months)
and as i was monetized mid month, I thought that MAYBE I will make 10$ for April... I ended up seeing 9-12$ on my first few days - shocker !
Since then it's just blown up SO MUCH, but after that point of 1K subs, subs don't matter, just the views <3
Love this video, and good luck with your journey :)


Thank you so much Danielle! I hope I make it this year 😁


Holy buckets this was helpful. Honest and straight forward. Proves the grind is real and isn't just luck. Many thanks from an aspiring monetized YouTube partner!


Congratulations! That's amazing! I've been monetized since November 2022 and make around $30-$50 USD a month right now. That is so cool you are making that much already!
