Blue Protocol - A Closer Look at the Extra Rewards System

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A closer look at the Extra Rewards (Rewards Plus) system for missions in Blue Protocol.

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The primary monetization thing I want to be address by them is the boost to critical crafting success. The socket system seems really important for getting your weapons to the highest upgrade they can be. Being able to accelerate that process through increased crafting bonuses could be very significant progression benefits depending on how big the paid boost is.


Now that looking at the reward in the image, it seems they balanced it really well. The extra reward are the same as the guaranteed reward in the base reward. We can see there are 2 question mark rewards in the base reward and the extra reward doesn’t have that, meaning rare drop won’t be affected by extra reward ticket. So tldr is, everyone will just gonna have a shit load of unused materials cuz the rare drop can’t be get from extra reward ticket.


Thank you for the analysis, it's very thorough and level-headed.


We should also talk about how impactful the extra rewards themselves are. Based on the (admittedly only one) example we've seen, it seems to double the rewards from a mission. Which isn't nothing, to be sure, but I've seen multiple people compare this to legendary crests and shit in Diablo Immortal where they're essentially *required* to progress. BP is nothing like that. It looks like running a mission twice without extra rewards should give you at least roughly the same rewards as running it once with them. And of course even free players should get 3 extra reward missions per day.

Really, it sounds more like a rest system than anything.


Their way of monitization seems really good so far
And if in the end both players (free and paid) have the same power levels, i'd be more than satisfied

(Screams inGenshin memories )


The only perfect F2P monetization would be purely cosmetic. Anything beyond that is some form of pay to win. however its pretty unrealistic for any game to make a profit from purely cosmetics, and without profit the game collapses. We not only want the game to survive, we want it to flourish. You can see in the screenshot that the extra reward are the same as the guaranteed reward in the base reward.

Battle Passes are a standard now days and usually pretty fair, the gasha is cosmetic only, the ticket system seems fair and balanced. So far I am very happy with this level of monetization.


Very nice descriptive video
Thanks for the detailed explanation!


this system makes me think the game will be quite generous towards the player base and we could probably see features similar to this one you just talked about in my opinion.
if there already are then my bad, since i probably missed quite a lot of stuff about the game


This clarification was needed. At least they put a cap on the amount bought. Now the new question is how good are those paid tickets? Hopefully we can see players test out the cashshop in one of beta tests


Seems like a pretty fair system on face value to me. Paying players keep the servers up for the F2P and also keeps it accessible.

As long as blue Protocol is a good game at it's core, itl be successful regardless of it's monetization.

Good game, good aesthetics, ease of access on multiple systems = large playerbase.

Bad game, bad aesthetics, no ease of access = low players.



I'm honestly not worried about this. It sounds like something that helps keep people in the running but won't be a factor in terms of who's on top.


U can refill resin with $$$ a limited amount of times per day in Genshin Impact too and that shit helps A LOT.... Just cause its limited, doesn't mean it wont be a big boost per day, depending, of course, how many "extra" rewards u gain and how many times u can refill it...


Good break down here. Because I know this and the crafting success items are the biggest concern here. Personally, I don't mind the monetization at all because the game will be supported through folks who invest in those items. A supported game means servers stay up. And people who pay deserve value and progress/advantage for their money spent. I hope you are also able to elaborate on the crafting tickets too.


From what I see people seems see this ticket as stamina system lmao
And people who play who can buy it still gonna buy it, even if they are playing everyday


Honestly... i just want a good and engaging game that the end game is not paying for costumes.... just make it fun and GOOD and I will PLAY it. I have played MMORPGs since EQ in 1999 I was 8 years old, I still go back to classic versions of that and ff11 for a reason


they gonna put the tickets in the paid tier battle pass for sure


Amazon should put those tickets in a subscription reward and take off free to play


I'm curious how the tickets work really. They claimed it was a catch up mechanic but how are tickets awarded outside of purchasing them if that's not the only way you can earn them. If it is then it feels like their catch up mechanic is going to fall rather flat if you can only have 10 total bonus rewards. What if you ended up being away from the game for a month? that hardly feels like a catch up when you only have 10 missions total at any given time without tickets. Not saying people have to be able to fully catch up but it would be nice to have a higher maximum that would allow players to at least come within a few weeks of being fully caught up. Next concern would be the limit of tickets you can purchase. Are these going to be a hard limit or do they refresh and if they refresh how quickly will the limit refresh? Will there be a maximum number of tickets you can hold onto or can you keep purchasing more every time there is a refresh that allows you to purchase more? As point out earlier will there be a way to earn these tickets in game or are they going to be cash shop only?


dunno why people say its for the casual gamer to catch up... as if hardcore players wont buy it also.

It wont sit well in the west tbh, I can see the game falling into obscurity like blade and soul did.


This sounds like a way more balanced "resin system" (genshin farm is a pain regardless of how you spend or not in the game). I'm eager to see how it will all play out when it releases
