watch this if you're learning russian

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♡ instagram: iclaliano

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♡ frequently asked
iclal (иджлаль)
19 years old
living in milan/istanbul
languages: turkish, french, english, italian, spanish, german, russian, dutch, swedish


the channel for beginners, go to the playlists section and watch everything in this order:
basic russian. first semester. lesson 1
basic russian. first semester. lesson 2
basic russian. first semester. lesson 3
watch all 4 semesters and a1-a2 is already over!

a website to learn russian for beginners

here you can learn russian grammar in russian

those 2 are the main channels that helped me learn this language!!

some other channels:

my spotify account: iclaliano

0:00 intro
01:05 my russian background
1:55 russian alphabet & cursive
2:20 pronunciation rules
3:09 textbooks
3:54 where to learn russian
5:23 russian friends
6:02 how to learn russian
7:30 russian genders
9:30 adjective genders
10:02 russian cases
10:45 nominative case
11:14 genitive case
13:58 dative case
15:13 accusative case
17:51 instrumental case
19:03 prepositional case
20:57 HCB-CB aspects
25:15 verbs of motion
28:44 conclusion

camera: iphone 13 pro
disclaimer: this video is NOT sponsored
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FINALLY someone said that grammar is IMPORTANT


From a native speaker: we do struggle with our language a lot.

We've learned it around five times a week for 11 years in school, and we still make mistakes. Even adults. Even adults with a solid education. I graduated from high school with honors (in Saint Petersburg), and I have great linguistic intuition, but I wanted to cry while we were learning the forms of participles with Н in -НН- and -ЕНН-\-ЁНН- suffixes. And some other stuff. We had been learning grammar rules by heart and telling them later in front of the class. It was a pure torture. We had a lot of dictations, dictoglosses, and spelling quizzes - almost all the time. We always had 2 or 3 marks for every text we wrote: for grammar/punctuation and a separate one for your thoughts, and it was a common thing to have something like 3/5/5 (C/A/A) because it was hard to keep everything in place.

And yes, we respect everyone who learns Russian as a second language. We have no idea how you guys decided to do this voluntarily.

Take care!


*"You are not a baby, you are thirty years old !"* See ? This is why I love watching Iclal.

She's kind, but tough. She provides well-produced and inspiring content, and she has high expectations for herself but also for us. Sometimes when I watch a video, I feel like I'm listening to a supportive aunty that gives me a stern yet uplifting lecture at tea time on how I should get my life in order, because she believes in me so she has expectations. Take care Iclal. Thank you for the video. May God give you many blessings.


I totally agree. I have been studying the Russian language for just over a year, and I study it every day. From the beginning I was concerned about learning at least the basic principles of grammar, and I confess that it helped me a lot. There was a moment when I had to stop, because the grammar was becoming more difficult and because I needed to apply what I had already learned or my brain would burn, literally. Today, I study less grammar, but I write more, I listen more and whenever I can I dedicate myself to verbs and declensions. I know it will take years to master this language, but I will get there and with a lot of effort!

Greetings from Brazil!


I’ve been self-studying Russian for 4 & ½ years. This video was a great kind of summary of all I have learned, smashed into 1 BIG video! For me I understand HOW Russian works completely. I just struggle with knowing WHEN to use which one. I understand why something is supposed to change, it’s just knowing WHAT it changes to and when! I guess it just more practice 🤷🏾‍♂️. Thanks as always! Спасибо большое за видео))


As a german and russian learner i agree with you. For me listening Again and Again the same topic from different angles is the key.


Я смотрела это видео так, будто я русский не знаю. Вы очень интересно рассказываете)


я искренне думала, в чём подвох, и не могла поверить, что русский не ваш родной язык 🥹🥹 вы просто невероятная! я вами восхищаюсь


на душе так приятно, когда видишь видео от иностранцев, которые изучают русский язык.
Вы огромная молодец!


Девчонка даже проклятые падежи затащила! Большое уважение.


Iclal Hanim, iyi gunler. Ben 20 yildan fazla suredir Rusya'da yasayan bir Turk'um. Rusya'daki expat'lar arasinda Rusca'yi cok ileri duzeyde konusan ve yazan insanlardan biri oldugumu rahatlikla soyleyebilirim. Turkiye'den Rusya'ya tasinmadan once universitede 1 yil secmeli ders olarak Rusca dersleri almistim, sonrasinda ise Rusya'da kendi cabalarimla bu dili ogrendim. Siz yaklasik 3, 5 yildir kendi imkanlarinizla Rusca'yi ogrendiginizi soyluyorsunuz; sizi en icten sekilde tebrik ediyorum. Gramer bilginiz ve kelimeleri telaffuz etme biciminiz/aksaniniz muazzam. Sonradan Rusca ogrenmis bir Turk gibi degil de, ana dili Rusca olan fakat birkac senedir Turkiye'de yasadigi icin telaffuzu cok az da olsa Turkce fonetiginden etkilenmis biri gibi Rusca konusuyorsunuz. Bu arada Ingilizce bilginiz ve telaffuzunuz da mukemmel. Tebrik ediyorum.


Your videos are so great. I've been struggling with russian for months but I still have difficulties with the grammar(and everything else). It's so inspiring to see someone like you speaking fluent russian and helping other learners with it❤


Uzun zamandır bunu bekliyordum. Çok faydalı olmuş. Çok teşekkürler.


Çok teşekkürler İclal iyi ki varsın başarılarını takdir ediyorum ve seninle gurur duyuyorum umarım hayatın hep istediğin şekilde ilerler, başarı seninle olsun ❤❤❤🎉


Just dreamt in Russian for the first time ever yesterday, and Mandarin the night I've only been studying these languages daily for a month. So I can only imagine what dreams are like at a C1 level. Your teaching method is superb. I learned a lot from this video alone. Thank you.


I've skimmed through the first several minutes and for most of the video I thought that you're native😭
You definitely nailed the pronunciation, awesome job!


That was so impressive :))
Basics and similarities between the languages' structures is so interesting, and as for you, it's actually possible to do it! Pleaseeee keep going with these kinds of videos!


Assalomu aleykum ❤❤❤❤ Thank you Iclal . This is what I was waiting for 🎉


i love you for this video! you made russian much less intimidating. I'm trying to learn french and Spanish at the moment but russian is definitely on my list of future languages to learn! 💖
