74. Bhagavad Gita I Chapter 6 Verses 3-4 I Swami Sarvapriyananda

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Swami Sarvapriyananda teaches Verses 3-4 from the Sixth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita. This series of talks unfolds the highest truths of Vedanta through the study of "The song of God".
🔆Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6, Verse 3:
आरुरुक्षोर्मुनेर्योगं कर्म कारणमुच्यते |
योगारूढस्य तस्यैव शम: कारणमुच्यते || 3||
ārurukṣhor muner yogaṁ karma kāraṇam uchyate
yogārūḍhasya tasyaiva śhamaḥ kāraṇam uchyate
🔴Work is said to be the cause in the case of the silent sage who seeks to scale the peak of Yoga; as regards this very sage who scaled it, quiesence is said to be the cause.
🔆Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6, Verse 4:
यदा हि नेन्द्रियार्थेषु न कर्मस्वनुषज्जते |
सर्वसङ्कल्पसंन्यासी योगारूढस्तदोच्यते || 4||
yadā hi nendriyārtheṣhu na karmasv-anuṣhajjate
sarva-saṅkalpa-sannyāsī yogārūḍhas tadochyate
🔴When the sage is no longer attached to sense objects and works, he discards all mental constructions; then he is said to have scaled the peak of Yoga.
Vedanta NY Media details:
Vedanta is one of the world’s most ancient religious philosophies and one of its broadest. Based on the Vedas, the sacred scriptures of India, Vedanta affirms the oneness of existence, the divinity of the soul, and the harmony of religions.
Vedanta Society of New York is affiliated with the Ramakrishna Order of India. In fact, this is the Order's first Center started by Swami Vivekananda, in 1894. It was a historic event, for the seed of the world-wide Ramakrishna Movement was sown here in New York over a century ago. Swami Sarvapriyananda is the present Resident Minister and Spiritual Leader of the Vedanta Society of New York.
🔆Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6, Verse 3:
आरुरुक्षोर्मुनेर्योगं कर्म कारणमुच्यते |
योगारूढस्य तस्यैव शम: कारणमुच्यते || 3||
ārurukṣhor muner yogaṁ karma kāraṇam uchyate
yogārūḍhasya tasyaiva śhamaḥ kāraṇam uchyate
🔴Work is said to be the cause in the case of the silent sage who seeks to scale the peak of Yoga; as regards this very sage who scaled it, quiesence is said to be the cause.
🔆Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6, Verse 4:
यदा हि नेन्द्रियार्थेषु न कर्मस्वनुषज्जते |
सर्वसङ्कल्पसंन्यासी योगारूढस्तदोच्यते || 4||
yadā hi nendriyārtheṣhu na karmasv-anuṣhajjate
sarva-saṅkalpa-sannyāsī yogārūḍhas tadochyate
🔴When the sage is no longer attached to sense objects and works, he discards all mental constructions; then he is said to have scaled the peak of Yoga.
Vedanta NY Media details:
Vedanta is one of the world’s most ancient religious philosophies and one of its broadest. Based on the Vedas, the sacred scriptures of India, Vedanta affirms the oneness of existence, the divinity of the soul, and the harmony of religions.
Vedanta Society of New York is affiliated with the Ramakrishna Order of India. In fact, this is the Order's first Center started by Swami Vivekananda, in 1894. It was a historic event, for the seed of the world-wide Ramakrishna Movement was sown here in New York over a century ago. Swami Sarvapriyananda is the present Resident Minister and Spiritual Leader of the Vedanta Society of New York.