Minecraft: How To Build A Medieval Blacksmith (Minecraft Build Tutorial)

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Welcome to another Minecraft Build Tutorial.
Today I will show you in minecraft how to build a medieval blacksmith.

This village blacksmith is an easy build that doesn't require too many resources. I would also recommend turning off the FireTick gamerule.
You can do this in Java by typing the following command "/gamerule doFireTick false".

This build uses stone bricks, cobblestone, stone, spruce planks, stripped spruce logs, bricks, glass panes and a few other easy to gather materials.

Thank you so much for watching, and i'll see you on the next episode!! Give that LIKE button some love!!!



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Intro/Outro Music By No Copyright Sounds
► Marin Hoxha - Endless
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Dude, I subbed because of the way you started the build, giving that layout of the terrain and also the item list beforehand, nice touch and very much appreciated. Everyone should be doing this tutorials the way you do. Thank You


1:53 Layout
2:07 Materials
2:16 1st Floor Stone Bricks
11:14 2nd Floor
16:55 Rooftops
22:00 Chimney
25:45 Decorating Blacksmith
33:05 Interior


if u put hay under a campfire, the smoke goes even higher


I love following this medieval docks series, please don't abandon it


Your builds add a lot of life to my worlds and compared to my friends it makes me look like a master. i love adding different blocks and changing up the looks a little bit but the builds always come out amazing


Honestly one of the best presented minecraft tutorials I've ever seen. Keep it up, my dude!


I've never seen someone put so much care into a tutorial I really appreciate all the little details .
Keep it up ❤


Dude why, I built your old blacksmith yesterday, and now I’m gonna have to build this... keep up the good work though and good luck with your channel.


I really hope you continue this build series. I know its been about 2 years, but ive had alot of fun following along. Please keep building


Just finished building this in survival! Looks super good. Plan on using most of your builds to make a medieval town


I've been trying to find good quality medieval tutorials for a long time and I just stumbled onto this video. This tutorial is really well presented and the build itself is very attractive. I subscribed because of this video and I'm going to be using your tutorials in my world


My favorite thing to do inside forges is to use a magma block close to the front then use a netherrack lit on fire in the back. The magma block looks like hot coals and then you have an active fire. This looks much more like a real blacksmith's forge. (My late husband was a hobbyist blacksmith.)

BTW, put magma blocks under your camp fires in fireplaces to look like a nice bed of coals.


Omg it's so cute! I could build a 'cute' village just using your adorable little houses. I love them all


One of the best tutorials i´ve seen. My builds looked plain and all the same when i tried to build an medieval village. Now when i use your tips buildings are looking much much better. Still long way for me, i still suck at interior decorations :D thank you :)


Just finished this build after a couple hours of tackling it in survival factions. Safe to say my up and coming medieval town is going to look amazing with these builds!


I've been binge-watching your Dock City series, and I have to say: I absolutely love your building style! It's perfect for building medieval cities with houses standing next to each other! Watching your videos has actually helped me understand how to make houses that are flat on some sides, yet protruding on the others. And turns out it's a lot easier than I thought! Will need to practice some time, building some houses of my own, utilising everything that I've learned here.
One thing I have to mention though, is that I don't understand why you always used full blocks for the floors instead of slabs. After all, they would save some valuable head space on the lower floors, making the interior feel slightly less crammed.


The way you showed us the layout of the build was perfect! No other MC tutorial does this. So for that I thank you.


This was the first BlueNerd build I ever did and it inspired me to recreate the whole Medieval Docks build in my survival world. I've just got to the end of the playlist and I'm building this blacksmith's again. I've given all of my buildings full interiors, and I've added lots of other touches of my own. I have loads of plans to keep developing my Medieval walled town with more of Blue's builds, other builds, and my own creations. Thanks, Blue x


Really slick build. Not too busy looking, and not too clean either.


Minecraft youtubers: _Proceeding to use more blocks than I listed in the video_
