I Remixed Every MCC Game

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For fun, I decided to remix every MCC Game besides Dodgebolt. This was honestly a pretty fun thought experiment so let me know which remix idea is your favorite and if you have any remix ideas yourself! #mcc

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Take your hole in the wall idea and flip it. Walls come from below and travel upwards towards a barrier. Players have to fall through the holes. If they touch the barrier they're immediately eliminated (no suffocation effect).


Build Mart: The cool thing about the way gathering materials in Build Mart works is that it forces players to do proper time management. Gathering blocks takes a long time and the amount of different materials you need makes stockpiling a far less useful strategy, so it is important to the way Build Mart functions as a game as it forces the players to work together. I think any sort of currency system like you suggested with the PvE remix would just mean one person's job becomes killing mobs for the entirety of the game so the others can buy blocks at no time penalty. It probably works as a one-time remix, but would make the game less interesting in the long run as, similar to Order Up, it doesn't really require players to communicate after dividing up the jobs.
Hole in the Wall: The Scuffed remix was different enough from the derived version in MCC 30 that I don't think the reason the latter was poorly received was due to the seriousness of the event. MCC Scuffed gave players 64 steak, but incentivised eating the lower-value food by awarding points for it, thus adding a layer of strategy. MCC 30 incentivised eating the lower-value food by heavily limiting the number of steak (5 instead of 64), thus making the game slower and more tedious to both play and watch.


Rocket spleef rush remix:

Is one person

So like in lobby your team can select like
Pilot: the person who flies
Co pilot: the person who runs and jumps
Gunner: The peron who shoots
And recon: the person with the boosts
Recon could have like 30 - 45 seconds cool down for the boosts

I could see this being really funny
And possibly make it 4 rounds that mixes everyone up on the teams so everyone can try everything


10:20 this just sounds like mcc1 pkw warrior lol
It had no mid checkpoints and only one at each new “world”


w idea

cod zombies for sot would be so fire🔥🔥🔥🔥
but hear me out gravels of time :O


hello everybody welcome back to wolfeei extras


Hear me out: a TGTTOSABAWAF remix, where you have to go to the other side and back. 3 or 4 maps are played and, to be merciful, there would be a checkpoint on the other side. You could make it so that the fans are in cages at the starting line and the players need to get a key on the other side.

It would probably have to be in Scuffed, since camping the middle would be a very viable and very annoying strategy lol



Also day 1 for asking u to invite SpeedSilver to BW


Some of these remixes sound fun, the parkour only up would be kinda chaotic tbh


11:00 ish regarding parkour up, do you know about the roblox game ToH (tower of hell) it has a similar premise to what you're saying if you need to explain it easier


Ace race: place and break (player placed) blocks. Mcci tggtos + hitw modifiers eg red light green lighy, double time, extra bouncy. No pvp
