Does God Answer EVERY Prayer??

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We pray for LOTS of different things. We pray when something is lost, we pray to ace a test, we pray for others who are suffering, we pray to overcome intense trials, etc. But which prayers does God answer? Does God answer every prayer? And how do I know that I'm praying for the right thing?

In this episode, David, Kwaku and Justin answer the questions above and more. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as Mormons), we are taught to pray A LOT. David, Kwaku, and Justin start the discussion with a quote from a young boy in the church who said, "My church guy told me that Jesus Christ knows where to find anything. He can find medals or anything you want." They discuss Jesus's role in prayer and the things that we should pray for in order to receive the guidance from God that we need.

Do you have any tips for heartfelt prayers? Let us know in the comments below!


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I really like what Kwaku said about praying when your mind is clear and your ready to talk to God, and make your prayer more meaningful, and not just because it's morning and you feel that is what you should do first after you wake up.


"the purpose of prayer is to align ourselves with God's plan" fantastic quote! Prayers aren't magical spells that make whatever we want to happen come true, they are opportunities to commune with God, feel comfort, find strength, receive knowledge, etc.


I....actually agree and have a prayer story that involves Pokémon. To be fair, it DID increase my testimony and helped me to realize that He knows ME.


10:55 I love that. That’s something I’m gonna try to remember


When I was converting to the gospel, it was a really great feeling when I was asking Father if the Book of Mormon was true. It was a great feeling of the spirit and, it was a great peace.


As far as blessing food, you're blessing it to consecrate it you don't always have to bless it to nourish and strengthen you.


My goodness I just so think the LDS folks would be such brilliant Orthodox. God lets denominations exist for a reason so who am I to second guess. Thank you for this video -- so well done. Amen.


Kwaku, that is so cool about your prayers, the priesthood blessing, and the woman's patriarchal blessing!


Jenny Oaks Baker said: "When I was 22, my mother was diagnosed with cancer. I was absolutely devastated. My mother was my best friend. ...As I saw her suffering with cancer, I wanted to know what to pray for. And so I reached out to my father, and I said, “Dad, how can we have faith that someone will get well or something will happen when we know that everything is dependent upon the Lord’s will?”

[Then Elder Oaks] responded as follows: “I believe that the only true faith is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Everything we have faith in is based on faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Father, that they will do what is best for us—another way of saying according to their will in our behalf. Therefore, we cannot really say that we have faith that the Lord will do what we ask Him to do in any and all circumstances. There will be times when that is not even right for us. If we place our trust in Him, that is what we should do. And He has taught us that we should pray for those we love and to pray for those who are sick. We do that, and exercise our faith in the Lord, and that is what we are supposed to do.”


It’s also very important tho Thank our Heavenly Father for His blessing that He has given us


I have watched many of your videos and have found them very helpful. I think many times you say something that most of us are thinkin but don't want to ask in a Sunday School or priesthood class.
I look forward to more of your videos.


Love this video ! Thanks guys!
Another add to my prayers that’s really helped me is asking frequently to know what to pray for <3


I like that part near the end about people losing faith in prayer because they don't always get what they ask for. We shouldn't look at prayer like a requisition form for getting blessings. I like to think of prayer as a chance to practice wanting what God wants, because only that way can we truly pray "in the name of Jesus Christ."


Whenever I offer a blessing on a dessert, I pray it won't be poisoned. And so far it's worked.


I've always had pretty good "luck" finding things after praying, not just coming across it after but getting a prompting where to look and finding it there.


Another good thing to do could be when you ask for something kinda specific in your prayer, write down what you said so you can look back on it later if you want.


I relate to this sometimes god have answerd kinda unimportant things but he has also not answerd big questions


I pray that ya'll bring Mimi seriously where's Mimi???


He helps me find things all the time, along with many other blessings from prayer. =)


My opinion is God doesn’t actually answer ALL prayers, sometimes kneeling down and focusing on the lord can clear you mind, in the process of clearing your mind and while praying you are focused on the question then you are in a clear state to realise the answer.

It’s the same as reading the scriptures, it doesn’t actually have the literally answer to every question but while reading the scriptures your mind is clear and closer to the spirit that can prompt you on an unrelated topic.

This is why also people who are humbled and Christlike can have clearer answers.
