5 Bible Verses Most Christians Won't Believe

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Today we are exploring five Bible verses that many Christians doubt. If you want to avoid falling into this trap, stick around till the end to learn how. Not believing these verses can lead to a skewed understanding of the gospel and salvation. Let's dive in and uncover the truth. #bible #truth #jesus
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Still in a hard time. I'm bored and I feel like I don't feel convicted because I fear Jesus may reject me even though I wanted to walk in faith with him and trust him completely and follow his teachings. Hearing Romans 9 16 actually helped. Thanks.


I really liked how *you* started off verse 1 by mentioning the reason why this is significant! The verbal/script transitions between the verses also work really well. The five verses work really well to build up the gospel of grace, dispelling the false gospels by merely stating the truth. The entire absence of visuals at 2:51 was really effective at making me hold my breath for the answer and I laughed with joy at the irony of subverting what is usually anticipated when the conclusion comes up... something like "do better!" But the previous five verses set up the very answer, and it was a delightful surprise the way you presented it. Overall: really effective moment right there, and I love how the video wraps up. The choice for verse 4 is so good, too! It strikes at understanding God's heart and mercy, and how that shines in the face of what we deserve. For the ending: I think tapering off / fading the background song could help (and be a subtle cue that the video is wrapping-up). [Not a long taper, but a short one over the span of a couple seconds.] It won't feel as abrupt to end that way as compared to when the song suggests things are continuing, and I think it will bring extra focus to your voice. Overall, really nice! The opening seconds from 0:00-0:16 were great for setting up the purpose of the video and I really enjoyed the slow but steady build-up and the focus of everything being said: very purposeful, concise, and it gave me a strong impression (and my expectations set up here were met by the end of the video)! Also the b-roll at 0:50 was comedic. The b-roll for verse 4 was actually pretty nice: the carpenter setting things up, the shrug, those were pretty good. I was meh about the crowd of people at 1:55, and not quite a fan of 2:25, but I liked the 2:30 for helping emphasize the nuance of what you were saying at that moment: going to church doesn't a Christian make! Overall, another great video along your journey of increasing your skills in this craft, and another great message to send out into the world.

(edit: changed "to" to "you" in the first sentence after accidentally mistyping it.)


I’m already a Calvinist, but I hope people who aren’t will see this.


God is sovereign. Americans just can't accept that little fact but once you do everything becomes clear


The entire book of John is such a treasure of Reformed doctrine that it is funny how anti-calvinists quote two verses from it and ignore the rest. And chapter 6 is amazing. It goes under the radar, but i like 6: 29. It directly counters the "my belief is totally not a work" tick that some have by saying yes, your belief is a work, and it is God's work, not something you came up with.


You said it brother….right on.
I pray for my children and my wife that God would open their eyes, their ears, and their hearts. I eagerly wait for this miracle.


I believe these verses. I just don't believe you give their right interpretation; rather, that you're reading more out of them than what they actually say.


Excellent video!!! Perfectly created to show textbook cases when passages are denuded from their literary and religio-historical context.


If there's any one verse in the Bible that Christians are likely to reject, it's probably Proverbs 16:33: "The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD."


So for John 6:44, doesn’t that also mean that if you go out to make the argument and help people learn about Christ, that you aren’t necessarily converting them but simply planting seeds to let the Lord do His work? Wouldn’t that mean you’re still helping God in letting people come to Him? The first verse is also a relief for the reformist because it says that they aren’t responsible for transforming anyone, but they do help in bringing them to God. That isn’t a bad thing that they can’t reform people- it’s still letting God do the hard part. 😅

Ephesians 1:4 is true in that it also follows up Ephesians 1:5 with a colon: God predestines us unto adoption of the children of Christ. In the sense that HE knows who will be saved and who will not, but if we do not choose to do His will (that which He has made known to us in verse 7), we gain no such inheritance. But this is also keeping in mind, verse 4 saying “that we should be holy and without blame before him.” Implying He can choose us, but we have to choose Him too.

2 Timothy 1:9 should not be taken wholly in isolation. What is Paul talking about? Or to whom? The people who are out doing the Will of Jesus. By this logic, those who are appointed preachers, apostles, and teachers of gentiles (and not the reformed gentiles themselves)- all being titles of those with a holy calling- who will be saved. Which sounds selfish of the Will of God as the work of the Cross was for all those who repent and believe. Take the whole of 2 Timothy 8-11 instead of just part of it.

Romans 9:16. This is if you believe God is unrighteous, which there is a whole “9:” before all the other verses. 9:11 would have been a better verse to make the point you were making, supporting the previous points you made. But still the call has to be answered. The gift of salvation still must be accepted and presented. And God will still make the way, not of our own works.

As far as the last verse, they don’t just understand Romans 3:11, but verses 10, *and* 12, and all the verses following. Paul is quoting Psalms 14 and other psalmists, in that there is none that do good, no not one. Those who work iniquity, even the best of us, our works are like filthy rags to the Lord.

And the takeaway of those who don’t understand is… nothing? It doesn’t matter? You just keep on keeping on? That’s a horrible lesson. So if the Lord called you to speak this truth, to whom are you appealing to? What does it matter that other people don’t understand these verses?


Mmm, yes, soon all the world will confess that Jesus did not die for all the world.


How is this helpful to the body other than making you feel better about being a Calvinist?

Seems to me like a waste of time where we could rather be spreading the kingdom. If you care more about being right you'll never make any disciples.


Good video! Another verse to add to the list from my experience is Phillipians 1:29.
" For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake..." In a debate type coversation I had with someone, they were trying to to surpress the truth by saying the "granted" part was for the "suffer" part of the verse but not the "believe" part of the text. Thanks for sharing!


If believing the Gospel was by the will of man, then salvation would be a reward for believing.
That why John 1:13 it (salvation) is not by blood, nor the will of the flesh (freewill), or the will of man, but of God.


So, God chooses who is saved or not?
He creates people destined for Heaven, and some for Hell? Some just for the sole purpose of them going to Hell?
No wonder why he hasn’t changed me.
No wonder why I don’t feel saved.
No wonder why I never heard his voice.
So these past two years was just a damn waste of time? Two years of following a God that doesn’t even care about me? A God who CREATES PEOPLE JUST TO DISPOSE Nice. I can do nothing about being saved or not. Why the f**k am I even here in the first place if I don’t even have a place in God’s heart.
Sorry about the profanity, I feel betrayed, forsaken, depressed, angered etc.
Someone tell me I’m wrong. Please.


Always interesting when one passage is not believed it has a snowball effect of more passages...unbelief is a terrible thing😢


True Salvation...all of it is a gift by Grace!! Therefore faith as stated in Ephesians is a gift of God also so no man can boast. Its all God, not just part, dont steal Gods glory!! He will not give it to another..Praise Him!!


The only reason I don't believe in Calvinism is from what I hear some preach is that god has already chose who gets to come to heaven and if thats not you too bad nothing you can do about it even turning to god won't save you.

If this is not true I am open to hearing what it is really about


This is a semantical argument because it changes nothing about how we as Christian’s live. We as Christian’s should still evangelize (wether it’s to spread his word to bring more people into his flock, or because you are being used by god to bring an elect into belief) it doesn’t matter whether we believe we are predetermined or if it’s our own will, spreading the lords word is all that matters


if Calvinists are pre-selected to be saved, then why do they bother spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ if it's not true? i've never actually heard any calvinist preach their pre-election salvation to non-believers, they always preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ even tho they don't believe it; they're knowingly lying to people. all these verses can be easily understood within the context of the Bible and the true Gospel, but for whatever reason calvinists don't want salvation to be possible for others, only for them. calvinism is NOT christianity.
