Can 'Risky Sports' make us Better People?

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I took up paramotoring after watching Tucker and guys like you online, and now it seems I've lost my fear of a lot of other things and gained confidence in general. This is a very strange and unexpected result. If you want to gain confidence in life, take up a risky sport.


Judson this is 100% accurate for my feeling when in the air. It's not just the cliché "all my worries drop away" that you hear with normal hobbies, it's that and the fact that during my flight I have more focus and clear thinking than any other activity I do because of the respect I know I need to have for every action I take. It's a presence of mind that comes from the respect of the danger, and the understanding that every action I do needs to be correct, sane, controlled, and calculated. I actually find that cerebral in-the-moment challenge more peaceful than any mindless relaxation.


Yo this is my favorite video of yours! Absolutely killed this one :)


Driving a car trough a beautiful landscape is like watching a movie, riding a motorcycle through this landscape is like being in the movie. And flying a paraglider is like being the movie. 😅
Nice video. Thanks for sharing


More of this!!! Bike + glider = Perfection


Totally right. It's the calmness.


What a film! the message, editing and narration makes you really think about choices and perspectives. Precisely thought out.


What a great story! I love seeing you articulate your perspective so well and into videos that we all get to enjoy. Keep the good vibes alive!


Dude, what a movie! Well said, and well put together. One of the best short films I’ve seen in a long while ❤️


Well done! Now my favorite video in 2024!


Judson, you are a brilliant young man. I love the way you are living your life at such a young age. I wish I had the smarts to do that when I was younger. Keep up the great work. You should be proud of yourself.


Great video man!! Absolutely loved it!! You made a video of the life I want to live! That soaring on the dunes with the moustache was awesome!! Thank you for taking the time making this!!


Paramotors are the motorcycles of the skies


We need more motorcycle-related content for sure. I enjoyed the visuals, also the narrative is perfect.Nicely done mate!


your video production is off the charts. in the beginning you called this "a movie by Judson Graham" and it truly felt like a movie. not a you tube vid. great work. as for the risky behaviors I started riding bikes in 2006 as a random thing. it was literally one day I said "I want a motorcycle" I took lessons and bought a used bike not knowing that 6 years later I would have a tragedy in my life and it ended up being motorcycles that got me through it. now I ride as my primary form of transportation, I teach the motorcycle class I took all those years ago, and have put 189, 000 miles on my V-Strom. this risky behavior is my therapy, and my way of life.


I know nothing about flying but I’ve been riding dual sports since I was 16 and I’m 50 now. I can hardly express how much enjoyment I’ve had on two wheels and just the amazing places I’ve been and seen. I think you should consider going on one of Dennis’ organized rides. We’re going to Idaho next month and I have that extra 250 I could bring if you want to do some rougher trails.


Absolutely incredible video Judson! You articulated everything so well, I understand exactly what you're trying to say even though I've never paraglided or ridden a motorcycle for that matter. Your videos inspire me a lot. Keep it up!


Bro! Your videos are always great but this message personally resonated with me. This one was particularly cool because I actually flew that same location, in those same conditions, on that same glider, and with that same dude (Chet) the week you were there! We must have only missed each other! You capture in video and narrative so beautifully what all of us in the community know well: it's all about the calm. Well done!


Beautiful video. It made me reflect, the main reason I want to be good at everything I do is to be able to live in the moment, without fear or nervousness, but just pure enjoyment. Keep up being the best version of yourself❤️


Another one of your great videos, being a motorcyclist and a paraglider. (Well mostly PPG) I can relate to pretty much everything you said in this video! Well done!
