4 Días en Salta

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🌄 😍 Viajar a Salta es experimentar un mix de sensaciones, es estar en sitios donde el tiempo se detiene, visitar pueblos de montaña y sentirte dentro de una postal. Probar sabores nuevos mirando paisajes inesperados, subir por cuestas para contemplar el mundo desde lo alto, atravesar quebradas, descubrir rincones secretos, degustar el vino de altura y llenar tu vida de mística norteña.
💠 Conocé la Ciudad con sus tesoros históricos y sus sabores destacados.
🍷 Internate en los valles, llegá a Cafayate para probar la aromaterapia del vino, probá el clásico torrontés
🌵 Atravesá el Parque Nacional Los Cardones para llegar al pueblo mágico de Cachi
🚂 Viajá a San Antonio de los Cobres y abordá el Tren a las Nubes
😃 ¿Cuál experiencia te gustaría vivir hoy?
🌄 😍 Travelling to Salta is experiencing a mix of sensations. It is being in places where time stood still a long time ago. It is visiting mountain villages and getting the feeling of being inside a postcard. It is about tasting new flavours while staring at spellbinding landscapes. It’s climbing hills to contemplate the world from above, crossing gorges, discovering secret places, tasting high-altitude wine, and filling your life with northern mysticism.
💠 Visit the city with its historical treasures and distinctive flavours.
🍷 Get immersed in the valleys, get to Cafayate to try wine aromatherapy, and don’t forget to savour the classic Torrontés.
🌵 Cross the Los Cardones National Park to get to the magical village of Cachi.
🚂 Travel to San Antonio de los Cobres, and get on the Train to the Clouds.
😃 What experience would you like to enjoy today?
Suscribite y viaja través de nuestro canal por las bellezas naturales y culturales de Argentina, descubriendo cada rincón de este hermoso país.
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Live the unforgettable experience of travelling to Argentina.
Viva a experiência inesquecível de viajar pela Argentina.
💠 Conocé la Ciudad con sus tesoros históricos y sus sabores destacados.
🍷 Internate en los valles, llegá a Cafayate para probar la aromaterapia del vino, probá el clásico torrontés
🌵 Atravesá el Parque Nacional Los Cardones para llegar al pueblo mágico de Cachi
🚂 Viajá a San Antonio de los Cobres y abordá el Tren a las Nubes
😃 ¿Cuál experiencia te gustaría vivir hoy?
🌄 😍 Travelling to Salta is experiencing a mix of sensations. It is being in places where time stood still a long time ago. It is visiting mountain villages and getting the feeling of being inside a postcard. It is about tasting new flavours while staring at spellbinding landscapes. It’s climbing hills to contemplate the world from above, crossing gorges, discovering secret places, tasting high-altitude wine, and filling your life with northern mysticism.
💠 Visit the city with its historical treasures and distinctive flavours.
🍷 Get immersed in the valleys, get to Cafayate to try wine aromatherapy, and don’t forget to savour the classic Torrontés.
🌵 Cross the Los Cardones National Park to get to the magical village of Cachi.
🚂 Travel to San Antonio de los Cobres, and get on the Train to the Clouds.
😃 What experience would you like to enjoy today?
Suscribite y viaja través de nuestro canal por las bellezas naturales y culturales de Argentina, descubriendo cada rincón de este hermoso país.
Live the unforgettable experience of travelling to Argentina.
Viva a experiência inesquecível de viajar pela Argentina.
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Live the unforgettable experience of travelling to Argentina.
Viva a experiência inesquecível de viajar pela Argentina.