How I install the secure bootloader in new ATmega boards for AMC1280USB

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Many ask why I use arduino board on the AMC1280USB. Actually I don't use arduino at all. The Arduino is just a "software" that you compile on the ARDUINO IDE and you can load on "Arduino" compatible boards via a specific BOOTLOADER that they install on the "arduino" compatible boards.

I actually convert an arduino board to NON-Arduino, to use the hardware I need from it (FTDI chipset, ATmega1280 IC, USB plug).
Since I use BASCOM and Assembly to develop the firmware, I ERASE the arduino compatible bootloader, and I use an EXTERNAL programmer to LOAD my OWN Secure BOOTLOADER that can decrypt the encrypted Firmware releases of AMC1280USB. The BOOTLOADER is READ/WRITE protected and will erase the unencrypted firmware that is saved in the flash memory, if you try to read it via external programmer or JTAG analyser. This is very effective way of protection of the intellectual rights of the author of the AMC1280USB firmware.
Рекомендации по теме

I just hooked up my Deluxe kit and I'm getting those blank squares like the custom bootloader programmed to the ATMega1280. Did I get one that wasn't programmed by chance?


Hi, I have a AMC-AASD15A Controller with Atmega2560 and I think I corrupted the bootloader. I tried using the standard Arduino bootloader, but I can't get the new firmware to load using the firmware bootloader utility you provide with the firmware. It tries to connect for a while and then says it can't connect. All I get is a blank screen on the unit and some squares. Is there a link to your custom bootloader somewhere online? I have searched everywhere! Thanks for any advice!
