What is LCAP? A conversation with Kern County Superintendent of Schools

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PIQE was thrilled to have Lilly Rosenberg, Management Analyst, Kern County Superintendent of Schools join us to share insights and background on LCAP and how to increase funding for schools! The LCAP or “Local Control and Accountability plan” is a three-year tool for Local Educational Agencies (LEAs, like school districts) in California to set goals and plan for actions and resources needed to improve student outcomes. The formula used to determine how education agencies are funded is called the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF).

Family engagement in the LCAP is required by law but it has been challenging for LEAs to properly inform parents, convene them and gather their feedback. This is why it’s so all to be informed - especially for families. We want parents to be at the decision-making table and share their opinions, priorities and concerns when it comes to funding our children’s schools. Families are the solution!
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