What Is DevOps REALLY About? (Hint: NOT CI/CD)

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There's plenty of "fake news" from the software industry, so beware of the DevOps lie.

There's a lot of confusion - just follow the money to see why.

In this video I help you discover the real answer to "what is DevOps?", and why it may not be working for you.

Though automated deployment technologies, cloud infrastructure, and other "fun" tools are exciting to talk about...

...DevOps is really about getting people to work together.

I hope this video helps you understand the core reason why DevOps came to be, and how it is a subset of continuous delivery.

Though both of these terms ultimately seek to allow your company to release quicker (and more often) - I've seen them fail when gone about the wrong way.

You can help your company achieve the promises of DevOps by following the tips in this video.

If you can help others answer the question "what is devops?" - you can help your company achieve the cross-functional teamwork necessary.

Related Videos:

"Continuous Delivery - Are You Missing The Big Picture?":

"The Journey To Cross-Functional Development":

Additional Resources:

"Continous Delivery" by Jez Humble:

"The Phoenix Project" by Gene Kim:

#programming #devops #fakenews
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It’s really a way of tricking developers to do sysadmin, network engineering and database administration for no extra compensation


DevOps to me is a culture not a practice. Doing some Automation doesn't make it DevOps...Talking to each other and co-ordinating tasks avoiding silos. Its not hard...just work together. It needn't cost a penny. I've never seen an industry as bad as Tech, for reinventing the wheel rather than address the problem.


How have you avoided the confusion around DevOps?

Skip to points: 👇
00:29 Follow The Money
01:08 A Warning About Tool Vendors
02:17 A Warning About Consultants
03:04 A Warning About Recruiters
03:47 DevOps Defined
05:32 When Doesn’t DevOps Work?
07:41 Dysfunctional DevOps Teaming
09:40 DevOps Practices To Consider


I'm a CS major set to graduate soon and after years of hearing this term DevOps and wondering what exactly it means/entails i finally have clarity thanks to this 15 minute YouTube video. Thank you so much for this!


Great video, thank you for sharing your thoughts. What I got out of this is that proper DevOps is about getting the right work culture and team alignment -- not just automation. Changing technical tools is relatively easy, but changing an organization's culture is hard.


DevOps is old term, new age buzz word is Site Reliability Engineer, a term introduced by Google and probably a better description for what the job should entail.


Perfectly said. Really good video. Million dollar consultant advice exactly at 10:58. Good to know there are people outside that understand.


Damn! your voice is swaying me to click the subscribe button. lols. Good content, keep it up!


Great video. Really enjoying your channel.


I like this, true Devops occurs when the two groups work together and solve common problems, goes hand in hand to your secret to scrum, deliver and adapt, fail fast, then make changes that the customer really needs after the cross-functional moved something to production


In my previous company, I was self designated devops. Everything was so black-boxy from infra standpoint, I decided to ask to join partially operations team.
I was sort of a guy that sat between ops and dev for some time.
Then I was trying to make devs more aware of the prod runtime and expose ops to dev concerns and type of thinking.
It took A LOT of time to put everyone on the same page. It was rather an issue of the attitude than tech.


Agreed 100% with everything you said...Lovely Video and well presented and understood.


I’ve done Lean, DevOps, Service Excellence etc. over many years. Like all “management methodologies” they all eventually escalate cost due to the fact they offer so many billable overheads (perfect for consultancies). As such they eventually get replaced by a new one that hasn’t yet acquired all the hangers on. The really interesting thing is the industries belief that changing methodology is the answer. In reality anything can work as long as you don’t let it get out of hand. Personally I think that if a developer has to perform more than an hour of admin a week then there’s a problem. If there’s productivity issues it’s usually down to the people/management. I’ve seen many projects delivered in weeks for tens of thousands where others took years, cost millions and took years despite being smaller and les sophisticated. The difference being the management overhead.


The key part of the word DevOps is the Ops part. It’s operations related to development, whereas Operations in general is operations for the entire company, primarily production systems. Generally, DevOps and Operations are completely different and rarely speak; about the only thing they both have in common is hardware, assuming they aren’t completely in the cloud. LOL.


DevOps being a culture and a mindset as opposed to a set of skills and practices cannot be overstated. It is like saying knowing ten thousands theorems and their demonstrations makes someone a mathematician, when in fact a printer could do the same. Many times I've tried to impose, because in retrospective that's what I did, and it mainly got ignored, opposed, or finally trashed because it often takes a whole team and their feedback to make things that are good enough to have a productive value.

Just hiring a "devops" guy thinking his magic will trickle down into your teams and increase their productivity is just plain magical thinking.


I think it's good, often even necessary, to know what others do and that different groups communicate. But that's something that should be done anyway. However, the problem with DevOps is that it's often pushed by the MBA types who think it's a good way to get rid of either developers or sysadmins, and let the remaining group do both.
Sadly, I have seen a lot of nasty (and sometimes dangerous and expensive) results from letting devs do sysadmin stuff and vice versa. CI/CD is another dangerous thing imho, at least in reality, where it's almost always done wrong. We have a joke here which goes like "CD means shipping the software once the auto-updater works.", and too often that's exactly what people do.


From the operations/Production DBA side, I hate that the DBA is stuck making modifications to WAR files for every target environment. To me, DevOps describes a process to automate this process so on the operations side we just need to deploy to our target without modifying configuration files. I bring it up in SCRUM meetings but just hear crickets.


Very interesting channel, thank you!
I’m trying to decide between two computer science degrees (in Sweden). The first focuses on “Software development and operations”; besides programming, it includes courses about sysadmin, configuration management and continuos delivery. The second focuses mostly on “web programming” and shares many of the foundational courses with the other program.

Would you say there is any benefit to learning the “DevOps” skills from the first program? I mean benefit, in general, for every future software developer, not just for those who want to work in a DevOps role. 

I know this is not the topic of your video. But maybe, with your experience and perspective of the tech sector, you could help me out a bit. In any case, thank you for your videos!


devops is good in theory but Don't have everybody do everything - it makes no sense to have everyone spread so thin and no one have any time to gain real expertise at development AND etc - you end up with jacks of all trades and masters of none - if you want things done right you need specialization, and division of labor - as long as there's good concise communication and minimal bureaucracy (minimize meetings), things can run smoothly


Hi! Could you please clarify why are you considering DevOps a subset of Continuous Delivery? In my understanding it's more like DevOps = Lean + cultural things + CD.
