HOW TO DYOR: Our Crypto Research Methods Revealed!!

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0:00 Intro
2:19 A Personal Message
3:15 Step 1: Market Activity
4:48 Step 2: Initial Research
8:50 Step 3: From The Source
10:39 Step 4: Double Checking
14:30 Step 5: News And Roadmap


⛓️ 🔗 Useful Links 🔗 ⛓️


🕵️‍♂‍A Personal Message🕵️‍♂‍
Every time I make a video, I see comments from you guys asking me to cover other cryptocurrencies and crypto projects. Believe it or not, many of these cryptocurrencies and projects are usually on my to-do list already. The problem is that I alone can’t cover all of them in a timely manner

The crypto market never sleeps, and this means that sometimes you can’t be waiting for me to cover your favorite cryptocurrencies. And now that we are the start of a bull market, this leaves me with only one option and that’s to teach you the ways of DYOR

📈Step 1: Market Activity📉

When you hear about a promising cryptocurrency that piques your interest, the first thing you need to do is go to a website like CoinMarketCap or Coingecko to see if its alive. Be sure to check that the trading volume and price action are legit

📕Step 2: Initial Research📕

Watch a few YouTube videos and then pay a visit to Messari, Binance Research, and an ICO tracking site like ICO drops. When you use these resources, be sure to take notes and write down any questions you might have.

You aren’t trying to get answers yet, you are just trying to get a primer.
Keep in mind that the information you see here can be outdated, and it’s best to compare and contrast the information between the sources. This is especially critical for ICO funding and tokenomics. Be sure to jot down the names of any key individuals involved

📺Step 3: From The Source📺

Watching interviews with the founders and CEOs of a cryptocurrency project is often the best way to understand it and measure its potential. Be sure to double check their credentials using LinkedIn, as its common for projects to hype themselves up based off inflated credentials

This is where you should be able to answer most of the questions you had earlier and get further clarification about any components of the cryptocurrency tech that you had a hard time understanding. A lot of the information you get here can’t be found anywhere else, which is why interviews are crucial

📑Step 4: Double Checking📑

go through and check that everything you learned still applies and solve any mysteries that might have arisen since you started your research. Most of this can be easily done by digging through the cryptocurrency’s dedicated docs

If you’re lucky, you’ll have a friendly search bar where you can just throw in key terms like: tokeonomics, inflation, ICO, consensus mechanisms, mining, staking, and other topics you feel you still don’t fully understand. Don’t be intimidated by any code you see – look for the plain English explanation

📰Step 5: News And Roadmap📰

Skimming through the headlines of a cryptocurrency project’s blog is usually more than enough to get a sense of whether its been true to its word and where its headed. Read any updates you see that are significant, such as tokenomics or any big partnerships

Finally, pop open cryptocurrency news sites like CoinTelegraph, CoinDesk, and Decrypt and search to see whether what your promising project is up to has made the headlines. If you don’t find anything, don’t take that as a bad sign


📜 Disclaimer 📜

The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial legal or tax advice. The content of this video is solely the opinions of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Trading cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of loss. The speaker does not guarantee any particular outcome.

#bitcoin #crypto #dyor #research #tokens #cryptocurrency
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Glad you guys are getting so much value from the vid! Hopefully this can help you folks hone in on those gems. However, if you want to keep up with some of the coins & tokens I am looking into, don't forget to join my email newsletter and telegram channel.


I can’t stress how much your delivery and authentic presentation is much needed in the crypto space. Great video


It's true: Coin Bureau is not a financial advisor but is definitely qualified to educate financial advisors about the future of finance! We really should be sharing crypto information with financial advisors.


Smart neutral and honest person I’ve seen so far in cryptocurrency, thanks you deserve million subscribers


You’ve quickly become one of my favourite Youtubers in the crypto space. Always keep a level head and are always honest. You are basically on one side of the spectrum and Bit Boy is on the exact opposite.


This is bar none, one of the very best vids one learning the crypto industry can possibly watch. Guy, honestly mate, your content is extremely valuable. I've moved from fx to crypto and as a veteran in the industry, I am still learning very important knowledge from you. I'm also from London but currently in Australia, I'll be ordering some of your merch and always checking your affiliate links before purchasing new products or services. I really appreciate the work you do. Thank you.

If you're reading this, make sure to use his affiliate links and buy some bloody merch!! Show the support!


The overview at the end was a life-saver. Thank you brother!


I generally dont post any comments but this guy is giving literally all the inputs he can and is genuine to what he says. Thanks Mate


respect buds! when you put attention to the ads i looked at views and saw the difference between others and time posted. If you need help getting your crypto hits up i would be more than willing to work with your team!


Massive quality content in 20min. Concise info with timestamps. smart. No one has time for a 3 hour livestream.


*One More Question:* Out of 6500+ coins, how to select a coin for research? There is overwhelming options so in the first place, how to decide which coin to start researching for?


"if they were fired from mining crypto they deserve a firm high-five." love it


You’re a legend. Thank you for clearly explaining your method and how to efficiently and effectively research crypto currencies. Love the vids.


This is sound strategy. Interestingly enough these can also be applied to dating.
1. Market Activity: Speaks for itself.
2.Initial Research:
You aren’t trying to get answers yet, you are just trying to get a primer.
Keep in mind that the information you hear can be outdated, and it’s best to compare and contrast the information between various sources.
Be sure to jot down the names of any key individuals they have been involved with.
3.From the Source:
Be sure to double check their credentials using LinkedIn, Facebook, istagram or twitter as its common for 'prospects' to hype themselves up based off inflated credentials.
This is where you should be able to answer most of the questions you had earlier and get further clarification about any idiosyncrasies that you had a hard time understanding. A lot of the information you get here can’t be found anywhere else, which is why background checks are crucial.
4. Double Checking:
Go through and check that everything you learned still applies and solve any mysteries that might have arisen since you started your research.
Most of this can be easily done by digging through their dedicated social media channels.
5.News And Roadmap:
Skimming through a prospects social media is usually more than enough to get a sense of whether they are being true to their word and where they are headed.


Crypto research for a crypto investor is the equivalent of Valuations for a Real estate investor… both are ARTS and it is the blood to make money👍


Bro, this video was SUPERB!!! One of the BEST videos ive EVER learned from on YouTube! Ur awesome Guy!


This is an "old" but timeless video and information. Great content, thx Guy.


I'm going to have this video running next to all my research as a checklist, thanks!


One of my favourite educational videos I’ve seen so far on you tube. Keep up the quality work.


Great video. Now lets dive a little deeper. For example what differentiates a good tokenomics from a bad one, what is a bad inflation rate for a crypto. First step is to do the research but then we must interpret it. If you could make some vids about the interpretation of the information found, that would be extremely helpful for most of your viewers. Keep up the great work. Perfectly splendid.
