MY WIFE HAS VANISHED - Reacting to Rania Awaad Scandal | Haqiqat Show Ep 15

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#HaqiqatShow #Haqiqatjou #muslimskeptic

Feminist "shaykha" distorts the Quran to spread a feminist distortion of Islam. Daniel critiques this distortion. He also brings to light Rania Awaad's history with fraudulent research, ethical violations, and her "spiritual abuse" of the Muslims in America.


Daniel Haqiqatjou:

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Strange, what's wrong with staying home? When 'liberals' are working so hard to negate something, it tells me that it's right.


Pakistan is constantly attacked by the liberal media and people are confused about certain issues like slavery and child marriage, Can you make an urdu channel and translate all the videos in Urdu like there is a channel on YouTube called 'towards eternity' they have multiple channels with different languages. Your content is very unique from others, people need this type of content specially in Pakistan. I did try to make it but I didn't get any views so I am asking you to make a second channel and translate all the videos related to responding these issues.


12:00 about the suicide statistic, i have a personal anecdote. Ive worked in the emergency department of the hospital and ALL suicide attempt victims i have seen were non muslims. And this is in an area with a big muslim population. That statistic is very wrong from anecdotal evidence, and the literature


30 years of being a Muslim revert. I've known of 1 unaliving in that period. A young 18 year old woman in Maldives, whose boyfriend dumped her. In her grief she chose a permanent solution for a temporary problem. It was very sad. One person only. You may notice that she was doing something questionable in Islam and many of these young ones were weak in Islam. So Muslim unaliving or effectively secular unaliving?


This woman’s speech just made me throw up a little in my mouth.

The absolute twisting of Islam, how can any woman who fears Allah in the crowd not call her out



What surprises me is that, there so many scholars, experts, students of knowledge. No one refutes these arguments. Daniel May Allah protect him and his loved ones. Would come forward to warn us about these deviant.


As a previous (unwitting) feminist from all these people and their sneaky indoctrination to leaving medical residency to be home with my children and focus on my home, your work has been so important in lifting the veil from my eyes and allowing me to make this decision that everyone else around me was making me feel bad about. May Allah increase the impact of your efforts and reward you and your wife.


The way the sister looks down her nose at the idea of "just staying at home" is really offensive. Taking care of a home can be very difficult and respectable work. Its a very western attitude to treat it as inferior to working outside the home.


I'm sure there are many sisters that are very knowledgeable and shiekhas, but they are so reserved, conservative, and modest that
they don't show up on social media!!!


Her fake, condescending, passive-aggressive smiling and chuckling during the lecture is SO ANNOYING!


Thank you for exposing these “shakhas” - it’s about time! I went to her and her teachers for counseling and they advised me to get a divorce immediately without hearing my husbands side. They made me feel hopeless and that he was a monster. Alhamdulillah I didn’t listen and stayed married. Wouldve regretted it because they only give bad advice and no support after you take their advice. Shame on these feminists who tug at our simple hearts to join their cults but have no fear of Allah


43:20 Rania: you can't open an Ayah an say "Oh I think it means this". Proceeds to make up a tafseer...


The condescending laughter is when I know she is about to lie and twist things around. This is so dangerous to listen to someone like this.


I hate the way compassionate Imams talk. They whisper their deviancy in such a sweet tone. It is poison in honey. Complete Dajjal .


These same people were screaming at everyone to stay home when their masters from the government told them to do so during COVID 😂


Even men in the west are waking up to the fact that Working a 9 - 5 job is a scam and a form of slavery used to make money for the big corporations and the average employee just gives his entire life and youth to this system and not barely being able to buy a house and a car at the end of it. We are here trying to free muslim men from this rat race and you're trying to get us muslim women into this craziness, that's messed up. May Allah guide us to the right path. Jazak Allah khayran akhi.


I never knew this, Dalia Awad ! Wow! You just don’t know who to believe these days. Holy Quran is our only book to rely on. Thank You for bringing this important information to us!


as a muslim from the middle east for 35+ years i have never heard of one single case of suicide not even once


A Stanford psychiatric professor is giving an Islamic lecture. While I understand her background in psychiatry, having graduated from Stanford University, I question her credentials in Islamic studies. I have studied Islamic studies for 18 years, and I still do not consider myself an expert in the field. With a university degree in psychology, I feel more knowledgeable about that subject.

My advice to all Muslims is to be cautious about who you listen to for religious guidance. Many people may mislead you. Instead, read the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh). If you don't know how to read the Quran, then make learning it your priority.


The irony is this entire post is unislamic. We absolutely have to hold people in positions of influence, standing as representatives of Islam, to a high standard. And even if this brother is accurate in how he’s represented her work; the comments here by people who have NOT done a careful analysis of the facts- are blind following. We as Muslims are implored to be informed and educated. Yet comments are blindly following another “influencer” here. There’s a way to hold each other accountable. It appears this brother himself is allowing his emotions to override the Sunnah. He’s attempting to discredit people publicly, and slandering them. Did he ask Dalia Mogahed or Dr. Hamid to address his accusations?
The belittling language is not Sunnah. One doesn’t have to be a Shaikh to know that the snarky, condescending, skewed and emotionally charged comments are possibly lacking in the integrity he demands of these scholars. He’s name calling. And I question if he’s attempted to address each individual privately before creating click bait. I encourage this brother to first question his own integrity. This is not about defending her work, rather, it’s about pointing out the hypocrisy of this host. Remember that we are all flawed human beings creating flawed institutions and creating flawed content on shows like this. Spending more time listening & less time talking would help us all. May Allah grant all of us maghfira. IA this brother will reflect on his tactics.
