Why Humans Lost Their Tails, Or Did They..?

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Tails are a common feature across various animal species. From fish in the water to birds in the sky and animals on land, tails are everywhere. Interestingly, there are creatures where it's hard to distinguish the tail from the body, like in snakes and worms. Yet, not all animals sport a tail. For instance, octopuses and frogs lack them. But the most notable tail-less family is Hominidae, which includes orangutans, bonobos, chimpanzees, gorillas, and humans. We're part of this unique family, distinguished by the absence of tails.

So, what led to this evolution? At a glance, the answer points towards mobility. Our tail-less form offers a specific kind of movement and balance that suits our lifestyle and habitat. But there's more to the story than just this simple reason. The evolution of our tail-less design spans tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years, and while we can make educated guesses, the exact reasons remain speculative.

In this video, we'll delve into this intriguing topic, exploring the evolution and reasons behind our tail-less anatomy.

Intro - 0:00
It’s about mobility. - 01:25
It’s about balance - 01:59
Walking upright - 02:41
Other uses for tails - 03:38
Humans have other solutions - 04:46
Trying to pinpoint when - 05:19


Why Humans Lost Their Tails?
How Humans Lost Their Tails?
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It’s only a theory, speculation and opinion not a fact !


Well, we all lost our tails 25 million years ago, but it would be cool if we still were tailed.


5:05 okay, but if we also have a tail our tails might be prehensile tails like, when i'm carrying a keyboard under my arm, i can carry my amplifier with my tail.


But the people in fur con still have theres


This has to be the most asinine theory that I’ve ever heard in my over 60 years of life. Utterly ridiculous. Here is TRUTH, whether you or anyone else chooses to believe it, that’s on them; GOD created both man and woman and everything else anyone sees and that is just simply the facts. Good day.
