XRP Is Not What We Thought | God Showed Me What It Is In Relation To Wealth Transfer

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The Lord God revealed to me that the role of XRP in the wealth transfer is not exactly as most people think. Acquiring XRP is not just to make wealth but it’s it’s to gain access to what is soon going to take shape in the realm of finance.

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Make sure you don't just sell it. Xrp will be used in decentralized finance like Flare Networks. Ripple is also developing an Automated Market Maker that will allow you to generate an income by providing your xrp tokens as liquidity for the new monetary system to run on. Youll be able to do all that from your phone and never have to work again. It's a literal key to escaping a potential beast system. Good luck to everyone. Stay strong.


If anyone gains any wealth please do not go out and try to live a lavish expensive lifestyle. There is so many homeless people and people in need. Lend a helping hand rather it's with money, time, advice, or love. God bless you all.


Do not sell XRP back to the failing fiat would anyone sell XRP!! their XRP that has utility and sell it back for a piece of paper that is failing, losing value everyday. Hold on to your xrp, you should not be looking for xrp to hit a price target, you should be holding it and wait for its use case to finalize and become wealthy.


this is crazy how this aged wow 🤯!! Got into xrp at 50 cents on February and have been investing ever since it’s crazy to see this video just now !!


So...I was dreaming..and God through the whole night was saying XRP, IN EVERY dream I had, and then your video popped up! Thank you!!


I've watched this several times and prayed for clarity. I do believe XRP will make you rich but that's not the only purpose. It's to get the lords people inside the new monetary system to prepare for the future. We were not meant to own XRP but will be grandfathered in. We can sell some but need to hold the rest to be in position to help the lords people. Wondering if it's so we don't have to take the mark of the beast? In my prayers the lord said do not worry just hold on?


The only wealth I hold is . XRP and GODS Money 💰 GOLD and SILVER


XRP is predicted to be worth up to 100K or more in the near future. It will soon be unavailable to the public. Get it while you can. You will be able to stake it through the Central banks for 7-15% interest!


3 years ago the spirit was leading me to xrp/xlm. The Lord is calling on all of us to carry our neighbors, family, friends etc. Use your resources wisely to keep those around us from falling. God is sending us hands for giving, and nets to casting! Prepareand be careful not to start worshipping yhe resources he is giving us! God bless and stay safe everyone


Putting the pieces together is very interesting. I believe the New Financial System will be a Central Bank Digital Currency-based system, where, to have access, you will be required to take the Mark of the Beast. XRP will be the Global Reserve Bridge Currency and by using our XRP from cold storage wallets, we will be able to participate in the economy without being required to take the Mark.


Today is Satursay 12/21/24. I just spoke less than 2 hours ago to a friend. You cant take gold to Walmart and shop. You exchange it for currency to trade. XRP will be the currency used I believe. There will probably be several but definately the Lord is giving us Wisdom to learn about the new system and helping us to grow, and have understanding. Not to fear. This will eventually be the mark of the beast system, but for now this will turn to be a blessing for his church. The fiat dollars will be worthless or alot less value what they have now. The government is pushing for Bitcoin stabilization. Bitcoin is like gold. It isnt used for normal currency, XRP is one of the currencies that will be used. I am so gald I heard this video today. What a blessing.


I had a dream, that Xrp shot up to 2000 usd each. Very shortly after that, it crashed down to 1 usd each. The emphasis was on the timing. The moment it shot up to 2000 I felt God saying sell. When it went down, I heard God say buy.

When Xrp shoots up, I'm going to sell half of all my xrp. When it comes down, I'm going to take half of my profit and buy.

The point is not to be greedy, the point is to improve my odds.


Didn't realize this video is 2 years old until I have finished watching it. It's a great video and thank you for sharing. You seemed to be filled with God's love and it permeates from you.


XRP was made to be bank to bank. XLM was designed to be a smaller system (bank to people, people to people). The XRP Ledger will help with the transfer of bank funds, but it has also been contracted to be a transfer mechanism for trillions of dollars worth of other monetary functions. This will greatly increase its value. So, the trojan horse vision makes sense as this system was designed to be the new monetary system. By investing in it, we are putting our money into the new system.


Hyperinflation is the connection to the message from the Holy Spirit. It is coming, soon. XRP will hyperinflate in its value as we transition to the new system. It will support us through the final phase of this transition out of the old system with its increased value from the wealth transfer.


Facts. All XRP holders must watch this. Most do not understand the biblical application. They only see money. Will work exactly as she says.


I’ve tried to talk to my family about this and they’re not completely listening. It’s sad but maybe God is wanting me in a position to help them because they just don’t know and understand.


Excellent video! Thank you. Can’t wait for LUNC video and the connection to XRP.


You are such a gentle spirit. What a blessing, I’m so happy Holy Spirit led me to connect with your channel.
