Channel 4 - The Abominable Snow Baby Ident (2021)

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First aired 6th december 2021

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This short must have some sort of connection to the animated childrens series Wolves, Witches and Giants from the 90’s


Oh, wow. It's like a lost 80's ident. I do think it's time to put the 4 centre stage, once again. In an increasingly large ocean of multi-channels, wishy-washy, vague, Avant-garde takes upon idents are starting to drown. Channel 5 have lead the way, with their simplistic and cool current package. Channel 4's blockman idents are really passive, now. They only had a very limited appeal, any interest in them has long gone. Even the reinstated version of Fourscore is getting tedious, it doesn't have anywhere near the oomph of the legendary original. I'm all for some interesting, experimental ideas, but make the 4 logo clear. And certainly have way more variety than the current set. Channel 4 has one of the strongest logos in the country, make it visible again.
