What is a Data Structure? | Data Structures Explained for BEGINNERS! | Master The Coding Interview

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If you are trying to become a Software Engineer, you should learn data structures and algorithms. They are an essential topic for any aspiring developer, not just to ace your coding interviews but to help you write fast, maintainable, and scalable code.

But yes, you will likely get tested on this in pretty much every technical interview so just know it and if you REALLY want to ace your coding interviews, use our Cracking The Coding Interview Guide 🤓👇

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1. Let us know in the comments. The more likes and comments, the more of his content we'll release and create.

2. Want to learn more right now? We like your style. This tutorial is from Andrei's Master the Coding Interview: Data Structures + Algorithms course where he teaches you everything you need to know to land your dream job.


💥 Who is Andrei's Data Structures & Algorithms course for?

◾ Any engineer, developer, programmer, who wants to improve their interviewing skills
◾ Anyone interested in improving their whiteboard coding skills
◾ Anyone who wants to become a better developer
◾ Any self-taught programmer who missed out on a computer science degree
◾ Anyone who is serious about getting hired as a full-time developer
◾ Anyone who has dreamed of getting hired at companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Netflix, Amazon, Shopify
◾ Anyone who is intimidated by the coding interview process or feels "stuck" when answering coding interview questions


💥 Why take Andrei's Coding Interview & Job Prep course?

This is actually 2 courses into 1.

1️⃣ You'll be getting a Computer Science crash course to get you on the same level as CS grads. You will learn data structures, algorithms and the notorious Big-O notation to the point that people will think you were a CS grad yourself!

2️⃣ Unlike other courses, you'll also learn the non-technical skills, tricks, tips that you need to actually stand out from other candidates (who have also learned the technical skills) if you want to get more job offers, negotiate a raise, and learn everything you need to get any job you want!

Having been a Senior Developer that has real-world experience having worked for and hired developers at top companies in both Silicon Valley and Toronto, I'll teach you exactly what you need to do to land a job at any tech company you can think of.

You also won't be learning alone. By enrolling today, you’ll also get to join our exclusive live online community classroom to learn alongside thousands of students, alumni, mentors, TAs and Instructors 👋


Graduates of Zero To Mastery are now working at Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, IBM, JP Morgan, Facebook, Shopify + other top tech companies.

Many are also working as top-rated Freelancers getting paid $1,000s while working remotely around the world.

This could be you 👆


#zerotomastery #datastructures
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Help!! As a newbie, struggling with what an OBJECT is. Is an Object a form of Data Structure? In this scenario,
1. is the Fridge a data structure or an object,
2. or are they both the same;
3.or do we have similar OBJECTS within each Data Structure? (This is my preferred guess)
Sorry for being ignorant. I am learning Python not because I am looking for a career but out of interest. I am retired.🙂


that was the simplest explanation of DS, thank you sir


Which language is used for dsa,  and can I do it since I'm strong at JavaScript?
