Russians respond to Turkey downing jet on Syria border - BBC News

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The BBC's Sarah Rainsford asks what response Moscow residents want to the downing of a Russian jet on the Turkey-Syrian border.

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Why don't BBC ask ordinary british citizens about their thoughts on UK involment in syria n libya


Although I don't think they should have shot it down. Turkey has every right to defend its sovereign airspace. Russia breeches British, US and European airspace all the time.


Let Russian taste the flavor of being like what u did to Unitarian!


We do what is necessary.Long live Turkey


RIP those killed. Perhaps there has to be like a no fly zone between the Turkish-Syrian border so these incidents don't happen again.


the world is tired already watching the games and listen the talk ...I trust action not words


Russia not respecting other countries air space is nothing new, they do it on a weekly basis


Russian federation to've been made it up but let's not talk about Turkey defensive you're not right one for tackling the issue please stay out.


how is everyone preparing for world war 3?


The UK government within the framework of co-financing in the next 5 years will provide BBC World Service BBC (BBC World Service) £ 289 million. The authorities are concerned about the rapid development of such international channels as RT, Al Jazeera and CCTV. Earlier the head of the House of Commons Committee on Culture and Sport said that Britain plays in the "information war" ...


Russia obliterated the turkish border till turkey itself ordered its troops to withdraw, as with every hour putin ordered his forces to step up its faire rate more each hour.


какая страшная Москва))) где такие панорамы и людей нашли. Надо было снимать вообще в колхозе "Светлый Путь"


Какие ещё "турецкие союзники"??? Crazy comments of BBC.


The arabs- Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE want to build a gas pipeline through Syria without having to let Assad in on the deal. The EU wants the pipeline. The Russians don't because it competes with their existing pipeline to EU land. Russians also have very important military bases in Syria they cant afford to lose. Syria is also has some ocean gas drilling rights sitting off the coast that are going to be worth a fortune in a few years. Assad is friends with Iran, and pulls a lot of strings in Lebanon. Israel hates Iran, and wants to get rid of terrorist bases in Lebanon but can't because of Assad. Israel was supposed to give back some land to Syria, but they found oil under it so now they want to keep it. So Israel wants Assad gone. Turkey has a problem with a group of rebels called Kurds who have bases in Syria that Assad wouldnt shut down, so Turkey wants Assad gone. Everyone went to BHO. In 2008 Obama took 300 million in fake credit card donations from the arabs and the European Cartel branch of the NWO pulled strings to get him elected so he owes them. BHO agreed to get rid of Assad. they sent money from the arabs, guns stolen from Libya and shipped through Turkey that ambassador Stevens was killed over, and set up training camps in Jordan. the first round of rebels fell flat on their faces, so CIA upped the ante by recruiting crazed religious fanatics of a brand Saudi Arabia approves of, and created ISIS. they started winning and captured a lot of oil, so most of the rebels jumped ship and joined up with them. the Turks were more than happy to buy the oil at bargain prices, and during all of the confusion have been able to attack the Kurds without anyone complaining. Israel helps out here and there, and went ahead and sold the land oil rights to Murdoch and one of the Rothschilds expecting Assad wont be around to collect on them. China, friend of Russia, is sitting on the side lines....for now. But because the US keeps poking them with a stick over some sand bars in the pacific, they are weighing their options. As ISIS chopped peoples heads off, the US and Turkey pretended to fight ISIS the past year all while still sending them weapons and supplies. Russia got fed up and came in to put an end to the whole mess, now everyone is mad at Russia. Turkey can't go after the Kurds and their cheap oil is getting cut off. Israel cant finish off Irans ally and wont be able to get a hold of those ocean drilling rights. arabs and EU dont get their pipeline. Saudi Arabia doesnt get to bump off a competitor and spread its version of islam. US looks like the creepy villain they have been acting. This is a war that has NOTHING to do with the interests of the American people, and absolutely not worth starting WW3 over.
