Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 04. Entropy.

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UCI Chem 131C Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics (Spring 2012)
Lec 04. Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics -- Entropy --
Instructor: Reginald Penner, Ph.D.
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Description: In Chemistry 131C, students will study how to calculate macroscopic chemical properties of systems. This course will build on the microscopic understanding (Chemical Physics) to reinforce and expand your understanding of the basic thermo-chemistry concepts from General Chemistry (Physical Chemistry.) We then go on to study how chemical reaction rates are measured and calculated from molecular properties. Topics covered include: Energy, entropy, and the thermodynamic potentials; Chemical equilibrium; and Chemical kinetics.
This video is part of a 27-lecture undergraduate-level course titled "Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics" taught at UC Irvine by Professor Reginald M. Penner.
Recorded on April 9, 2012.
Index of Topics:
0:04:17 Boltzmann Distribution Law
0:15:37 Three Types of Ensembles
0:31:55 S = k ln W
Lec 04. Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics -- Entropy --
Instructor: Reginald Penner, Ph.D.
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Description: In Chemistry 131C, students will study how to calculate macroscopic chemical properties of systems. This course will build on the microscopic understanding (Chemical Physics) to reinforce and expand your understanding of the basic thermo-chemistry concepts from General Chemistry (Physical Chemistry.) We then go on to study how chemical reaction rates are measured and calculated from molecular properties. Topics covered include: Energy, entropy, and the thermodynamic potentials; Chemical equilibrium; and Chemical kinetics.
This video is part of a 27-lecture undergraduate-level course titled "Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics" taught at UC Irvine by Professor Reginald M. Penner.
Recorded on April 9, 2012.
Index of Topics:
0:04:17 Boltzmann Distribution Law
0:15:37 Three Types of Ensembles
0:31:55 S = k ln W
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Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 08. The First Law.
Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C
Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 10. Jim Joule.
Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 20. The Integrated Rate Law.
Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 27. The Final Exam
Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 22. Midterm Exam Review.
Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 21. The Steady State Approximation.
Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 23: Lindemann-Hinshelwood Part I
Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 14. The Gibbs Energy.
Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 05. The Equipartition Theorum.
Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 11. Midterm I Review.
Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 19. Observational Chemical Kinetics
Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 06. The Rotational Partition Function.
Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 12. Entropy and The Second Law.
Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 07. Vibrational Partition Functions.
Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 26. Transition State Theory
Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 04. Entropy.
Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 18. Equilibrium In Action.
Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 17. Finding Equilibrium
Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 01. Syllabus, Homework, & Lectures.
Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 16. The Chemical Potential.
Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 03. Energy and q (The Partition Function).
Thermodynamics and Chemical Dynamics 131C. Lecture 25. Enzymes Pt. II