Discover deep-fried, honey-covered 'seadas' from Sardinia! | Pasta Grannies

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Seadas are large ravioli, filled with melted cheese and flavoured with lemon zest, which are deep fried, then drenched in honey. They are a speciality of Sardinia and we visited Antonietta and her shepherd son Ignazio to learn how they are made.
Antonietta likes to use 'granito' which is coarsely ground soft (ordinary) wheat flour for her sweet pastries. It's difficult to find outside Italy (actually it's difficult to find in some areas of Italy - my local supermarket doesn't stock it). Use plain flour instead. (Other cooks incidentally use a mixture of semola flour and 00 flour, so you can see the choice is up to you).
Antonietta is making large quantities, so you can halve these quantities:
800g plain flour
80g lard (this makes a crisper pastry)
pinch of salt
150ml water, Antonietta said, which I think is too little. Be prepared to add up to 300ml for this amount of flour.
for the cheese filling:
800g fresh 3 day old pecorino cheese
zest of one large lemon
2 tablespoons of flour
lard for frying. (try and get hold of lard from free range pigs - in the UK Pipers Farm stocks it)
A generous quantity of good quality honey for dribbling over the pastries. Antonietta's was from her uncle's bees.
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I truly believe Pasta Grannies is a noble project. Not only is it often an oral history of a soon to be gone generation of Italians who grew up during the war, but it’s a deep and thorough compendium that shows just how remarkably varied Italian cooking is, and how it was shaped by the war in many ways. What I love most is that even though the reverence for each subject is decidedly warm and sweet, you’re really interested in what they have to teach us as opposed to falling into the tired cliché of the magical little old lady.


The skills of those who farm, raise animals, make cheese, and enjoy such a pastoral lifestyle in enviable. Antonietta is amazing, and her family wonderful. Great video.


Let us all break out in dance whenever we hear the Pasta Grannies theme song :) It's time to celebrate:)


When you think you've seen everything in Italy, a video of “Pasta Grannies” arrives and you discover something new. And I speak as an Italian !


Finalmente la VERA ricetta delle sebadas sarde! Bravissima Sig.ra Antonietta!


I had seadas 13 years ago in sardina and I still think they're one of the most delicious things I have ever eaten in my life!


It almost brought tears to me, remembered my own late nanna making the same sweet in Crete!The similarity in recipies and general lifestyle between Sardinia and Crete is astonishing!!


Loved Antonietta. Bustling around her kitchen, in a cheery manner, yet staying away from the limelight, not taking any of the credit for the tough work her strong hands are put to.

Bringing up 13 children....
There is pride in her voice, as she discloses this fact, in a shy, restrained way!

She is the heart beat of this family.
Bravo Nona Antonietta. Love you.


So kind of them to share their lovely family with us! The cheese making was a big bonus and made the finished product even sweeter. A beautiful Friday afternoon in the Italian countryside without getting on a plane. Bliss.


SUCH a wonderful episode!!! I love Antonietta's energy. Glorious minutes of joy in our stormy world.


Italian living at its best. It's always heart-warming to watch these beautiful nonne keeping the old traditions alive. Thank you, Pasta Grannies for sharing with us.


Good food, fresh air, and a daily bath of milk. No wonder their skin looks radiant. Clean living. Thank you for sharing.


My Friday fix, I always feel more peaceful after watching this,


Shows the importance of home made food and the value of traditional family and home.


Adorable! How adorable is this family! And the grandson, so cute! “Nonna.” They all work so hard for the family and the farm. My favorite channel ever!


This was an interesting episode - it's just mesmerizing to watch their magic. Oh my goodness, the finished "seadas" look SO delicious!!! ♥Fernando is so lucky to have a nonna that makes such amazing treats! She looks so happy when he said she makes the best.


I have never seen anything like this, fascinating dish.


Completely unprocessed whole ingredients; a goat from the farm; fresh cheese made on site. And then finally those glorious fried pastries with local honey. I am in love with this episode. Bravo and God bless this family!


Thank you for showing the cheese making and not rushing through it, that was wonderful. The subtitles missed something funny though; while maestro does mean teacher, it also means master, to which she answered, and I am the servant. Lovely relationship between mother and son.


I had to repeat at 6:05 when you mentioned that Antonietta has 13 children! Great episode, really educational.
