The Heavens Declare | Episode 3 | The Starlight Travel Dilemma | Kyle Justice

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The experts explore how General Relativity may help creation scientists explain distant starlight in a young universe.

This episode addresses the perceived problem of light travel of distant stars and how the universe can still be young. The experts introduce the idea of an expanding universe and the dynamics of the speed of light. They then delve into general relativity and present several creationist models for solving the light travel dilemma. Several experts also share how God could have used natural laws and supernatural processes during the creation week. Finally, there is a discussion on why the Biblical model is the only one that works with the evidence and makes science possible.

Created, Hosted, & Produced by Kyle Justice
Featured Experts: Dr. Danny Faulkner, Dr. Jason Lisle, Dr. Russ Humphreys, Dr. Don DeYoung, Spike Psarris
Presented by: Awesome Science Media
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One of the jaw dropping revelations about God is what the bible tells us about in Proverbs 8. BEFORE the beginning. God had to work out all the variables and He used Wisdom to do it. So when we read that Christ was crucified from the foundation of the world, we can understand that even this variable was worked out well ahead of time.


Our God is awesome!! To God be all the glory!!


"The fact that science is possible is the proof of Biblical creation. "
Best point!
Thank you for these series. Regards from Serbia


Absolutely amazing…thank you. I am a high school science teacher and have studied physics at degree level, but some of this just goes right over my understanding of physics. The Lord is absolutely amazing and wonderful in all His ways.
God bless and Maranatha


I praise God for His awesome creation, and I thank God for gifted men of immense intelligence, wisdom and knowledge of our amazing universe! Thank you! Please keep making these wonderful sessions!


This series is fantastic and fascinating.All of the scientists are easy to understand and like their personalities.And getting new ways that God designed everything.


Perhaps in the ages to come the Lord will let us see a replay of those 6 literal days of creation. Wont that be amazing?
Even better, in the ages to come, we may witness new wonders and creations far greater than what has been done in the past. He is amazing!!!


"Forever, Oh Yahweh, thy Word is established in Heaven." _Psalm 119:89_


God said let there be light, and it was light. Think on that a minute. And God said let there be lights in the firmament, and it WAS SO! That's why we see what we see.


"Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters."
Genesis 1:2 NIV

The universe can be billions of years old, but life on earth that cannot. The Bible says that the earth was "formless and empty" so the earth existed, but life doesn't.

God bless you all brothers 🙏❤️


My thought is that God wanted Adam and Eve to see the stars immediately, so not only did He create the stars, he created the necessary light waves along with them.


Do you think God couldn't create the universe already filled with light and already headed in the direction it would be going if He would have wanted to!?!
Like a scene from a movie where everything is set up in the way it would move in the direction it would be moving, but it hasn't been put in motion yet until the director yells "ACTION!" then everything takes off moving the way it was set to move in the direction it was set to go!

God is in control of every photon and atom and everything down to every subatomic particle in the universe completely and constantly all at once!
At the "plank time" God created the universe all photons were already where He wanted them, doing what He wanted them to do!

Humanity needs to stop trying to approach God from a scientific point of view and start approaching science from God's point of view!
If we did we would understand everything so much better and be so much farther along than we are!

Here is one for you. Did you know we think we came up with the idea of "dimensions" in recent science, but an ancient Hebrew scribe was studying the book of Genesis thousands of years ago and he came to the discovery that there must be 11 directions! And one of our deepest theories of everything in science and physics that we have only discovered and come to partly understand in very recent years is "String theory" and "11 dimension theory"!
So as smart and as advanced as we think we are now someone already figured out "11 dimension theory" thousands of years ago by believing and using the scriptures of God's Word!
Amazing! And true! Now since we know this information for a fact why don't we teach it in school!?!
Because the enemy (satan and the fallen angels) have manipulated people not to teach these things because humanity would be more likely to choose The Lord above all and truly believe and be saved!
So think about it. If one of us figured out one of our most recent and biggest theories of physics and science thousands of years ago because he believed and had a personal relationship with God so God spoke to his heart and gave him understand of things then can you imagine how far along and truly advanced we would be now if we had always believed and made it central in our lives!?! We would make Star Trek seem primitive!!

Wow. Yes, God is! He really is and Jesus is the Son of God and He died for our sins and took the punishment and they are all paid for and He resurrected and all you have to do is truly believe this and you are saved!
Anyone and anything that tells you different or you think suggests different is just wrong. Please trust me.
God is!

Hope this helps.
I love you all!


Fantastic and fascinating series. Thank you. :)


This seems to give a reason why it’s so much harder to throw a heavy object more-so than a light object. No matter how strong you are, it will still be difficult to throw a heavier object (13:00).


So, it would seem, at the end of day 4, a galaxy 10 billion lightyears away is actually 10 billion years old by *_ITS_* clock but only 1 day old by an Earth clock. Did I get it right?


So are you measuring time or measuring what we use to measure time? If clocks are matter and follow the same laws of physics and gravity, could it just be the instrument being altered and not the object of experimentation? Truly amazing stuff and I’m in awe of the Hand of God. But how can we know what He knows? Tough to even fathom.


All this really explains why we can't see him with our eyes. Can he not make something look like it's been there for billions of years? Can he not create two colliding galaxies? Nothing is impossible with God! He himself is unfathomable.


There is no dilema at all here, as far as i'm concerned; if we look at these two texts in genesis: Genesis 1:14-15
[14]Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years;
[15]and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth”; and it was so. We see that the Almighty God commanded the light to be visible here on Earth, so distance is not at all a factor especially when the Lord has commanded it. I truly love these episodes and may God bless those scientists who are seeking truth, beauty and goodness to the glory of God.


The command to keep Sabbath on the seventh day wasn’t just for Israel. It was kept by antediluvian man after creation, codified in stone at Sinai, kept by Christ and the Apostles, kept by early Christians up to the time of Constantine, kept by many Christians today, and will be kept in the new earth as from Sabbath to Sabbath all will come before Him to worship.


The heavens declare God's creation, is how I've always heard it said. If I 'declare' something, I proclaim it louder than usual, and stronger. I can easily imagine God creating what he would have us see, and DECLARING the light right towards us so that it could all be seen by us the moment we were created ourselves. Seems easy to figure out to me if I just believe God could have intended it to be just like that. He would have only needed to declare the heaves to us the one time too.
