How to Get Your Dog To Stop Crying and Whining!

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Stopping you dog crying and whining is so important to so many dog owners as it can be so frustrating to have your dog crying and whining all the time. With these simple steps you will be able to stop your dog from whining.

Here on Will Atherton Canine Training we make videos about man’s best friend so if this is your first time here don’t forget to subscribe! These videos are made and aimed at adults in a stage of their life to purchase or adopt a dog, we want to help them choose the right breed and become excellent canine leaders to help end the number of dogs that end up in shelters.

#dog #dogtraining #heelwalking
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Since watching this video I have trained my children well. They stopped crying and are getting straight A’s in school. Thank you!


These are some great points. Thank you.


I never ever have given him positive reward for crying and yet he still does it all day everyday I’ve began to strongly dislike my dog due to this. He doesn’t let me sleep or be in peace. I give him food water and play time regularly but never when he cries. I don’t get it. I’m considering giving him up at this point because I highly regret getting him.


When my dog is in my car, he cries from start to stop….


Now, how do I tell that to my neighbour? 😂 subtlety over time….


Yes I needed this video, because I got a new dog and it's picking up my older dog behavior!


First time dog owner, and started binging your channel. Thank you so much for what you do!


I made sure to never reinforce the behavior, worked on capturing calmness, ignoring, leaving the room, place .. shes non stop whining


My families dog, learned this behaviour. The only way to fix it, is if the entire family cooperates in fixing our dogs behaviour. However, my father, mother and brother, are all ignorant of how we are to fix the problem. I have tried countless times to explain to them, they just won’t listen.


We have a whippet beagle mix dog that loves to be outside so much that EVERY single time we let him out he screams, whines, and yelps like he's been beaten senseless and is in serious pain.

He freaks out at the door when we walk up to it to let him out and starts to bark/howl with excitement, but then we open the door and he tears off into the yard screaming at the top of his little lungs, which is so loud it makes our ears ring. He's perfectly healthy, he's not in pain or being abused, he just acts like he never goes outside and each time he goes it's like the first time he's ever been out, again and again.

I'd like to know what this could mean and how to stop it, because no amount of getting him to sit or be quiet makes it stop and in some cases makes him do it louder in an impatient manner. He's also aggressive and selfish with our bigger Rottweiler dog who cowers in fear at this little dwarf of a thing that tries to snap at his neck from time to time. Our Whippet is definitely a territorial little monster but he's never actually physically hurt our Rottweiler in the process, just scares the everloving piss out of him.

They don't get along very well and we think it might be because our Whippet is more of a single-dog family type than a multi-dog family type. Plus he was the first one in the house, so maybe he thinks he owns the place and doesn't have to share or has a right to be greedy like an entitled teenager. I don't know what the problem with him is, but the screaming has to stop. I'm honestly surprised the neighbors haven't called animal control or PETA on us yet with how frequently he screams like he's being murdered.


This information is so valuable and totally captures what I try to do with my dogs. :) It might be taken for granted by some owners but I think everyone would agree that this kind of free shaping will bring positive structure to a dog's life. However, (someone please correct if I'm wrong...) a dog might start to associate the reward with the initial problem behavior if they only receive that reward after that whole sequence. So if the reward ONLY comes after "problem behavior > correction > redirection > reinforcement" they may still be associating the problem behavior with the reward. Is this taken into account in classical conditioning? What I try to do with my dogs is reward MORE or with better rewards when my dog is already doing what I want. Then, if I have to do a correction, they still get a reward but it might not always be the best reward. Similar idea: heavy praise and reward (like a special treat) when your dog sits perfectly the first time and stays (we do an implied stay for sit), but maybe just verbal praise if your dog gets up and you have to correct and redirect back into a sit. If they ONLY get what they want after they've already been exhibiting the problem behavior, like barking to get your attention when they want to play, they may continue to exhibit that problem behavior when they want to play. But they will catch on and know that after YOU correct, they just have to be calm to have you tug or throw the toy. This is good for stopping the behavior once it starts, but not as good for eliminating the behavior altogether. With my younger high energy dog, we started having designated play times at certain hours of the day, so my dog knows when to expect them. But I initiate the play session when she is still being calm, usually starting with a few commands (for example -- come, lay, heel, sit), and then play really hard for 10-15 minutes. Then it is meal time or time to go outside or for a walk. I always try to follow play time with another activity to help her de-escalate because she is obsessed with her toys and will never end play time on her own. She used to always initiate play time because she would bring toys to people, drop them in their laps, and whine until the person threw it. This was exhausting and probably terrible for her too! Because she was always the one to initiate play in that manner, that is what she thought she had to do to play. Now that I initiate play when she is still being calm (and keep toys away until it's play time), that behavior has been totally eliminated and the days are much more peaceful. I'm very proud of our girl. What do you guys think?

Edit: I just watched Will's free video course and he talks about exactly this. I trust his perspective SO MUCH! I feel even more confident going forward with this strategy of training. I just bought his paid 30-day course, both because I'm excited to see what's in there and go through it with my two dogs AND because I really want to support him. I appreciate what he does so much.


Thank god for this video my dog won’t stop whining, it’s worse everyday hope this works


Honestly my boy whinges more than he breathes. I've no idea why. I know his cues and we never rewarded the behavior when he was a pup.


😫we have a foster dog that we decided to adopt. He's deaf and he was neglected in his previous home. We are having so much trouble with him and his whining. It's making me crazy and I do not know how to fix it.


A great tip for the circumstance enumerated. However my puppy often cries for me at sunup as that is when I get up to feed her. She is hungry, but I am already preparing her food, so when I appear with the food, the crying might be justified. However I feel that my company is more important to her than the food, as when I put the food down, she has a mouthful and then wants to play. Am I rewarding her crying, because it won't stop until I appear. If I do appear without food she is very happy and stops whining until I go off to get her food. How do I deal with that?


This is an issue I am dealing with for almost 2 years now. Nothing has worked so far. I have diligently tried many methods. The problem I have encountered that seems like an unending cycle is that even with Challenge, Redirect, Reinforce method what happens is it turns into a chain of behavior instead of eliminating the behavior: whine, calm down, get reinforcement.

At least with my dog that’s what has been happening. And the more i try this the bigger the more steps the chain of actions include.
I would love to hear your opinion on this. This is a huge problem now for me and seems an impossible task to get rid of. I am very much willing to listen to your opinion over a coaching call session.

In our case the behavior occurs as an emotional response to desired activities outdoors. Including the act of getting out itself.


my 9 month old started whining out of no where in the mornings. never whined in his life before except after surgery, now he whines and goes to the door i think he’s trying to demand he goes out to playa and for a walk


My dog won't stop crying after I took him to dog park...he been going on for 2 days ...never happened


My 10 yr old Kelpie x is beautifully behaved until we go walking.
As soon as another dog is met on the walk my Eva starts whining extremely loudly and wants to get to the other dog (to play). When we start to leave the whining begins again.
Any ideas to help because I enjoy walking her but it gets so difficult trying to avoid where other dogs are walking.


My dog has been fine, she has her own little couch she always slept on at night. But these last 3 days she's been whining and won't stop until I let her in my room. I can't let her just whine cause my mom needs to sleep for work. I don't think she's in any kind of pain cause the second I let her on my bed she lays down and sleeps peacefully. But when I get up to go get something she has to get up and come with me. Nothing's changed in the house, kind of puzzling me. Shes eating and drinking fine, take her to the park for walks, out to use the bathroom. Kind of puzzling me. Shes about 12yrs old good condition.
