Dripping Jungle Paludarium for Community of Tiny Frogs (African Dwarf Frog Setup)

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I've been getting requests to do a build for African Dwarf Frogs for years now. These adorable little frogs are pretty common and easy to care for. You just have to ensure they're well fed and in a clean, well-decorated enclosure. If given the proper environment, they'll thrive and surely bring a smile to your face. I haven't kept them in many years, but I really enjoyed them when I did.

Like any frog, they'll eat anything they can fit in their mouth. So keep that in mind if you decide to cohabitate with anything else. They're timid and not great at finding food, making them easily out competed. Taking the time to hand feed can eliminate this issue entirely and they'll learn when it's time to do so. Just make some noise and be patient. Once one comes the rest will follow. This will also greatly mitigate the risk of impaction. That said, if you use a fine substrate it shouldn't be an issue because they're pretty good about spitting out non-food items. Definitely worth noting regardless. Go easy on the bloodworms as well. They're not a great staple food and should be provided sparingly.

Also, as I said in the video I don't think they're for everyone. They take a little bit of extra care, but if you're willing to provide it, they're a very rewarding frog to keep. They're just so tiny, clumsy, and goofy! Plus they do incredible in groups and interact with each other. That said, if you hear a little "buzzing" or "chirping" sound near the tank, it's probably a male frog calling for a female. If he's feeling good, you'll hear him all the time!

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the video! Let me know what you think about these little frogs and if you do or have kept them before.

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00:00 Intro
00:16 Enclosure Overview
00:40 Creating the Hardscape
04:57 Making the Drip Filter
06:34 Adding the Riparian Plants
07:26 Substrate and Aquatic Plants
08:39 Fine Tuning the Design
09:41 Adding the African Dwarf Frogs
10:37 The Clean Up Crew
10:47 Completed Paludarium

#paludarium #frog #serpadesign
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Finally had a chance to work with African Dwarf Frog again! Once I knew I was doing saltwater in a different tank, I decided to use the originally planned enclosure for these frogs. They’re so funny and a great addition to the lineup. Don’t you think? Anyway, I decided to upload a day early because of the holidays and everything. I hope you all enjoy the video and have a great time!


Very noticeable uptick in production quality. Love it


These frogs have huge personalities and if you really give them time to get to know you, like handfeeding them and play with them you can teach them tricks, like swimming up and down or likewise before they come and take the food or swimming through circles to get a award (use something that particular frog enjoys the most) I use my hands to form my circles). They like stimulation but can easily be stressed out by it so it's really important to look for any behavior changes. My frogs always comes to meet me at the surface but they always swim away when my husband comes along or just passes by the tank. The vibrations I make as I pass are different from my husbands and I think that's how they know who's coming from so far away.. just a little side note to how amazing these little creatures are 😄


They *are* cute! And they seem to be happy and healthy in their new home.


scape dojo is a pretty cool idea. cheap, simple, and saves you a bunch of headache. nice work!


How can you not love frogs? You’re absolutely right they do steal your heart. The pallidary him looks fantastic and I can’t wait to watch it grow.


This video inspired me to get my own. 1 year in, there all thriving and happy!


A great treat for them is daphnia. It’s adorable watching them hunt them down and they won’t foul your tank.❤


I once kept twelve of these little guys. It was my first planted tank and I didn’t keep any fish so they wouldn’t steal their food. They were so goofy and cute I loved keeping them


I really like these setup Dwarf Frogs are amazing animals! I hope everything is going fine in the new place, regards from Costa Rica!


you have inspired me so much after watching one of your videos last year i drove to my nearest aquarium store and bought everything i needed and i went from a tank with artificial plants, gravel, and decor, to a fully planted tank. Please keep up what you are doing.


As a German I always chuckle at you pronouncing Süßwassertang. Your tank looks absolutely gorgeous, it's always so nice to watch someone as passionate about their craft as you are. I'm not really into aquariums and terrariums, but your genuine passion radiating through your videos always reels me in and I am absolutely hooked. Keep on creating unique tanks and share them with the world!


I have a family member who collects rocks, and we've found that fish tanks are a great way to display them. Right now we have common opal and jasper as set pieces. They don't have the textures that are currently popular in aquascaping, but I love it.


Pausing the video at any moment while showing the frogs is enough dopamine to last me all week. I have taken so many screencaps for them to live in my computer now.😍


African Dwarf Frogs are probably my favorite aquarium creature to keep. So much personality in such a small package. It's fascinating when the males sing, such a unique sound. They're absolutely wonderful little friends!


love that you showed your hand as a tool


I’ve had so many!! Im looking for a good breeder. I love hearing the males sing!! Got to be careful with rough items in the tank. ❤


Too cute and great build. These were my first frogs ever and still one of my all time favourites. We've had 2 sets in the past and in each pair one of them was a jumper. Luckily none ever got hurt in their daredevilish escapades.


I loved the end of this video so much, I always end up keeping ADFs no matter how many times I say I won't, I just love their little faces and the way they just goober around. Thank you!


this is literally the calmest voice ive heard
