PI Behavioral Assessment - 3-Step Method to Ace the Test

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The PI Behavioral Assessment [2024] is a screening personality test. It enables your employer to evaluate whether there is a high match between the necessary qualities for the job and those you claim to possess.

On the test, you’ll be given two lists with 86 single words of adjectives and will be asked to choose adjectives that describe you. On the first list, you'll choose the qualities you think other people expect you to demonstrate; on the second list, you'll mark the qualities you believe reflect your behavior.

The key to success in the test is knowing the questions in advance and the qualities needed for the role. During this video I'll shed some light on the PI assessment, helping you understand how the test works, and how best you should approach it.

In this video, you will find the following:
00:00 - PI Behavioral Assessment Introduction
00:29 - What Is the PI Behavioral Assessment
00:47 - 3 Steps to Pass the PI Assessment
01:00 - Step #1 Analyze the Job Description
01:43 - Possible Qualities for a Good Manager
01:56 - #2 Deciding the Factors Hierarchy
02:04 - The PI Test 4 Factors
02:24 - The Dominance Factor
02:40 - The Extraversion Factor
03:03 - The Formality Factor
03:31 - The Patience Factor
03:58 - Each Company Is Different
04:28 - #3 Choosing the Adjectives
04:23 - PI Factors Adjectives Sample
05:14 - How Do You Prepare for a PI Test?
05:34 - Share & Comment

For free PI Behavioral practice check out the following page:

Good luck with Your PI Behavioral Assessment!
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I like the separation of personalities into four easy to understand categories and reinforcement to check the job description thoroughly, that makes it very easy to understand what they're looking for.


As someone that has studied psychology for many years and worked in the field for even more. These PI Behavioral assessments are useless and harmful since it encourages people to lie to achieve their goal. How a person behaves is both situational and time-dependent. A person can be a passive listener in one situation and then outgoing the next. Our behaviors are very plastic meaning they change over time.


Just had to do one of these as a pre-employment condition. Instead of answering honestly I gave them the answers I figured they wanted. I did so because the last time I did one for a job they hired someone else basically because they didn't like my honesty. I flat out told them this test didn't reflect me as a person based on a case by case scenario these answers may change daily.

This test seems ridiculous to me personally.


I like the way you explain; very systematic and easy to understand 👍… thank you


OMG I totally did it wrong! I thought the first part was what other people expect from you, and I just tried to think of things in general that people expect from other people, so my list was pretty short. So I listed stuff like to be reasonable and kind and so on.

Also, I kept the list describing myself pretty short, because I was trying to only list traits that I thought were consistent, and not situationally dependant.


Good Vid, thanks :) Psychometric testing has been around for years now. and this vid pretty much proves that you can bend it to say what ever you want.


What this tells me is you can game the test so that the employer hires someone who is manipulative and inauthentic. Take the test being you real self. Whether you get the job or not, you'll know it has something to do, in part, to your authentic self.


While i think it's great to score high for what a job employer may be looking for, but let's say you scored high in dominance because you answered in a fashion you think they'll want this hire to be. Company then hires you. However, you're actually a very friendly, patient person and not dominant at all. Seems a bit off to me, I think just being honest is the way to go.


My question is this: why should we take serious ANY test that professes to be able to objectively measure personality yet provides test takers the opportunity to manipulate their answers and come off better than their true selves?


Thank you, I got the information and results I am happy with.


The hierachy was very enlightening as most carry all 4 of those domains. Thanks so much.


I had done a few such tests like these in the past as part of a large project team. The results are fine for that moment for that particular situation, but does not apply in general and definitely not so much to make a significant impact on the hiring process...
Tools can be a good facilitator... however, behavior assessment through a human touch is more important than just what a tool can predict


This is amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing :)


Only fot native English speakers.
With 12 years of experience I have doubts that that tool works well. Some tearms are needed to be translated in order to understand the question and options.


Thank you for this video, the hierarchy is very eye opening. I bombed at least one test and I'd like to make that the last one. :)
Please advice if how others see you and how you see yourself should be the same adjectives. 🙏🙏


THX, this video really helps me a lot.


Thanks for the guidance, Easy and Informative.


I love the caveat: "not all companies are the same." LOL. Frankly, I disagree with his assessment that patience would be scored least important for a management position; the culture has changed. Managers are expected to navigate deadlines under reasonable expectations, i.e., managers can't ask me to do something vital for a project at the 11th hour. I have something called family, sleep, and personal life that demand you, my manager, to be patient with me in completing as these other responsibilities justly consume my time.


Thank you so much…. No I e could explain better way.


I've just took the test, it literally says «What is expected of you» not «how others perceive you». This is confusing, and as I see it, proves how this tests are a falacy they can't even layout questions correctly.
