Your colour is your superpower | Natalia Filvarova | TEDxLviv

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This was super cool. One of my children told me that sounds had colours, it was a part of how he communicated when very small, My nephew, a concert pianist hears sounds in colours and tells me instruments have colours associated with them. I see layers of coloured hues in certain colours sometimes that others can’t see. And another child can’t tell the difference between red and pink. I feel there is a wealth of research still to be undertaken to fully understand the myriad ways of seeing colours. This is Fascinating!


I'm a Color Scholar and study color intuitively. I agree with some of the statements, not others. I do love the notion that we speak with colors when we can't find the words. This is absolutely what colors do for us. I've come to understand much of these messages and it's become my profession...helping people see themselves with the colors they choose. Thank you for this presentation.


A great talk! We undermine and underestimate the power of colours so much


She begins her discussion with the evolution of The Color Purple . Interesting . Purple is not a primary color but it is the color that is most associated with reliability and power . Cool


Thank you for the upload! It was such an amazing experience :)


Anyone else notice that when all the colours are in that wheel, mixed together they make the sacred geometric shape of the flower of life. Trippy


That's brilliant! Gonna write my notes in green :)


She described amazing facts about the colors ❤


Thankx for sharing ✅ Quite Interesting 👌


Great, now I will live in a green house from now on


There are 140 named variations and hues of purple. The shade at the looks like it is Deep Amethyst.
It also brings a few questions to mind.
Why is an orange called an orange as well as the color orange, but an apple isn't called a "red"?
Why is the shade avocado green the shade of an avocados flesh and not the exterior before peeling it?
Many years ago. When I was in my late 20's (I'm 56 now), I was going through EMT training. At that time, a doctor, whose name escapes me, had talked about using color, instead of the number scale 1-10 for determining a patients pain, 1 being least and 10 being the most. It was experimental research at the time - BUT - it worked 100% better than the number scale for pain reduction. It was just as easy to assess the level of pain by initially asking, "If pain were a color, what color would your pain be right now?" followed by "What color is your pain now?" and so on. The most amazing thing happened - the patients pain decreased as the color changed when they were asked even without any type of analgesic or pain medication being administered. The numeric scale depends greatly upon the use of either one of those things AFTER they have been administered. The human mind, such a fascinating place. The color scale for pain became the tool I used when one of my kids injured themselves as they were growing up.



She speaks a bit too loudly or... well, when she uses emphasis, it feels piercing. It feels like an attack rather than her proposing an idea. It feels like she is giving a life-and-death lecture.
