An updated guide to Hand Snipe OG Minecraft Usernames working 2023

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(Massobeats breeze)

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This is a very poorly informed video.

Here are some crucial facts the video failed to cover:

1. Usernames will not be dropping for the next 2 years, so there's no point in caring so much about the process involved in sniping these names, because so much can change between now and then.

2. Whether an account has the migrator cape displayed on NameMC is not a clear indicator of whether the account is migrated or not. If the user in question decides not to enable their migrator cape, it won't get cached. This means there are thousands of people who have already migrated but have deliberately not used the migrator cape; the cape will not be cached on NameMC until they do. Furthermore, players have the option to hide their capes on NameMC and unclaim their profile afterward, too. This will make the profile appear like the cape hasn't ever been cached, even though it was hidden by its owner.

A better indicator of whether an account is migrated or not is by monitoring the account's name changes, skin changes, and server activity. If the account in question has joined a server or changed its name past March 10, 2022, then it's migrated. This was the date that Mojang enforced migration before you could change your profile name, skin, or join servers. That means any activity past that date would require migrating your account.

Do not waste your time trying to manually claim OG names. Bots will always surmount hand-claimers. People have hundreds and some have thousands of accounts they can use to claim over a thousand OG names in less than a second. A single manual claimer will always lose against a sophisticated bot sniper, who has over a thousand accounts and a thousand proxies to circumvent the rate-limit.

I don't mean to disappoint you, I just mean to be truthful. In fact, you'll be more disappointed if you end up trying to manually claim and name and find out that you had zero chance at success. Don't waste your time. You will thank me later, I promise.
