Noel Pearson: The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations

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Noel Pearson' speech delivered at Customs House, Brisbane on Thursday 8 December 2016
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There’s an interesting study that backs this up, often called the “late bloomer” study.

Students in a classroom were randomly assigned to early and late bloomer conditions. The teacher was told students where assigned to the conditions based on a academic performance, they had no idea it was completely random.

It was found that the “late bloomers” performed worse simply because the teacher treated them differently based on expectations of being a late bloomer.

It created a self fulfilling prophecy, where students began to act in accordance with how the teacher treated them, and in turn actually became “late bloomers”


Wow! This should be trending today especially with the rise of BLM


As a white msn trapped in a degree of bigotry as I have been indoctrinated with my white fella upbringing, I feel very fortunate and blessed to be in receipt of a speech by Dr Pearson!
