Jason Jorjani - The paradox of creativity

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Pretty much the only thing I really disagree with Dr. Jorjani on is this paradox and the ontology of math. If there is a transcendent ontological order of mathematics, somewhat similar to Plato's realm of forms, that exists beyond time, space, and perception, and is the eternal and necessary realm of Nothing-Being that dialectically generate the ever changing realm of Becoming in which the universe unfolds, then that is the source of all creativity as it is the eternal and infinite possibility space of all universes and everything that can happen within universes (as per the eternal and necessary laws of pure math, pure reason, the Principle of Sufficient Reason). I believe his philosophy, other than that, is highly compatible and complementary to the Pythagorean Illuminati's Ontological Mathematics and Illuminism.
What is perception and how can we know of this eternal order if not through that/empiricism (Dr. Jorjani calls himself a radical empiricist)? Perception is born of the dynamics of the informational field of Becoming. Information is born of distinct actualities vs distinct potentialities (counterfactuals or dialectical contrast). This means that the only way to have perception/experience/qualia is through Becoming. The eternal order is not becoming anything or changing. It is accessible/knowable through pure reason, mathematical philosophy. The only way to experience the Absolute Truth is through consciously harnessing evolution/Becoming and directing it toward it (the Omega Point) and the perception of it can be created for a moment, born of the informational difference of the eternal whole vs the contingent, temporal, and changing parts. Like Dr. Jorjani says about Zarathustra's philosophy and Ahura Mazda/Prometheus/Lucifer, the way of progress (which I argue is to that omega point) is to be oriented to the most intelligent thinking (that means rationalism > empiricism, but I argue that rationalism and the kinds of empiricism and pragmatism Dr. Jorjani advocates have a way of being perfectly compatible which is the direction of the most intelligent thinking).
So, in this way, the informational field of existence includes a perfect and unchanging mathematical order of all infinite possibilities and a limited, imperfect, continuously changing field of Becoming that is the main focus of all perception expect transcendent experiences and the apex of cosmic evolution at the end of cosmic history, the Omega Point, which logically returns us all the the beginning of a new universe, the Alpha Point.
I am always open to a more intelligent understanding.


weird editing, but can you elaborate on your thoughts on whats being discussed?
