Reiki Course Level 1 (1h and 38 minutes) With Cert./Diploma + Attunements (see description)

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24:27 a good place to repeat and practice principles and self healing techniques.

48:55 Reiki Self treatment.

53:20 Self treatment hand positions

58:20 Preparing to heal others

01:03:55 Invocation and hand placements to heal others

01:12:20 rapid reiki treatment

01:14:57 URT Intro

01:16:28 Ultradian Rhythm Technique

01:18:25 Thymus Gland for a quick boost

01:19:20 Group Healing

01:18:40 reiki pregnancy and children

01:25:35 Reiki Brings Comfort to those crossing over.

01:28:50 Nine Common Traits of Near Death Experience

01:31:55 Use Your Imagination With Reiki

01:36:39 Final Thoughts About Reiki One

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I learnt Reiki Level I and 2 in India in 1997 and am doing it daily even now for self healing. I am 84 an am not under any medication. Thanks to Reiki


Just for today...
I will not worry
I will not be angry
I will do my work honestly
I will give thanks for my many blessings
I will be kind to every living thing


Hi, I’m a Reiki Master, Teacher & Practitioner. I’m glad to see so many people are excited in learning and practising it! It’s a blessing to all of us.


Self treatment 53:22
Preparing to treat others 59:22
Treating others 1:05:15


First heal yourself then prepare to heal the world. May you be blessed to fulfill all desired wishes.


It’s May 2020. When we touch each other again, let it be with healing hands. 💞


Hi everybody, I want to let everybody know that I had to remove some comments from (Salvatore Salomone and David) from this channel because I received several complains from other Reiki people and also they harass every single comment on this channel.

I understand they don't like Reiki but I don't think it's the right place to complain about it. I had to write the same comment so many times to explain how the course works and that just wastes everyone's time.



Thank you so much for making this available to those of us that can’t afford classes. 🙏🏼🦋


Well six years this had been available, I was not aware that “seek and ye shall find” was literal. If what they say is true, “when the student is ready the teacher will appear, ” then I do believe I’m in the the exact space and correct place. Grateful it only took me three short years to comment, since the last person decided to share. I wonder how long from now until the next?


DISCLAIMER: These lectures are for What you have to pay is only the certificate!!!

Thank you for sharing the lectures. That is extremely kind of you!!


I have not even learned Reiki yet, but have learned about the power of positivity, law of attraction, high vibrational alignment, detoxing the body, deep breathing, not stressing.
Using that alone and high vibrational music at night, I went off all medications and have healed my body of many illnesses and diseases including thyroid disease, high blood pressure, blood clots/pulmonary emboli, mitral valve prolapse, and many other side effects and disorders. I believe wholeheartedly that our mind and energy can fully heal the body, regenerating the cells and systems and making a new form. I am glad I found this! I am excited to learn the formal techniques.


We are energy, frequency and vibration.
Whatever your intentions are creates your reality. As a Reiki master using God's frequency of Love i have seen many people, animal's and plants heal. It is a beautiful experience of oneness.


STOP READING THE COMMENTS. You came here for the course. DO NOT allow your mind to be ruined/polluted by others comments. Your inner guide knows the truth not the comment section.


Thanks for this. I love Reiki! I'm a Reiki master and use it every day with my family and pet. I also have private clients. Beautiful energy!


I prayed for wisdom, guidance, the ability to understand and be helpful to the people in my life and myself. Today I was led by spirit to these videos. Thank you, I now have new direction of what I want to and need to do in life.


i’m here to learn reiki to better my life and support my family. i’m 17 and starting early


I would describe my Reiki experience as life changing!! It is a change that touches every part of your being: mind, body and soul....I have done Reiki on myself, my daughter and friends. I also have done distance healing. My chronic sinus problems went away within a month of starting my Reiki training. My daughters migraines are relieved with hands on Reiki and she sleeps better. A friends surgical wounds that have not been healing were showing amazing signs of healing within a short amount of time after I started distance healing.I have been interested in learning Reiki for some time and I was a little reluctant and kept putting it off. Then I realized that if something keeps drawing you it is for a reason so go for it. I am so glad I did!!”


Reiki is very useful for controling your anger. Anger is a choice response. Anger can cause indigestion.


Wow mom and dad did this throughout our whole life, even people from other villages seek them out just by the word of mouth throughout the island, and never charge anything for it, some people don't have money but, they would bring chicken, pigs, fish not even money, we don't have much money but we were never hungry because, there were food grown all over our land and, the ocean was only 15 yards away full of fish and mom and dad didn't called it Reiki but they call it Ole fofo all eight of us was born at home and never been to a hospital till we left home It was a gift from GOD Mom and Dad always said



24:27 a good place to repeat and practice principles and self healing techniques.

48:55 Reiki Self treatment.

53:20 Self treatment hand positions

58:20 Preparing to heal others

01:03:55 Invocation and hand placements to heal others

01:12:20 rapid reiki treatment

01:14:57 URT Intro

01:16:28 Ultradian Rhythm Technique

01:18:25 Thymus Gland for a quick boost

01:19:20 Group Healing

01:18:40 reiki pregnancy and children

01:25:35 Reiki Brings Comfort to those crossing over.

01:28:50 Nine Common Traits of Near Death Experience

01:31:55 Use Your Imagination With Reiki

01:36:39 Final Thoughts About Reiki One
